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Child forced to join in act of worship.

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Even a square circle. It's called a square for simplicity.


No, as a square has 4 sides, a circle as an infinite amount of number.


So again, is a square circle possible with God?

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You have just described a digital circle. (Or a digital sine wave)


A digital sine wave doesn't have an infinite of points, that is determined by the sampling frequency.


How is a digital circle square? Well what is a digital circle exactly? And the number of sides for circles crated by computers are not "true" circles they are approximations.

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Redwhine you seem to have got very upset about a misunderstanding.

That falls well short of an apology, but at least you acknowledge your error. I'm glad you use the word 'seem' because I am not upset at all. I am entitled to point out, in the strongest terms, that my worrds have been misrepresented and twisted out of all recognition, is all.


If you read my previous posts you will see I consistently make the same points which are very far from drivel.

Yet still you seek that which is not there.


From above (^) you assume that I am upset and from below (v) you assume I have something against hymn singing.


Here's an idea...


Why not assume that I mean what I post. Nothing more, nothing less. Give it a try. You never know, you might even get to like it.


What has caused your deeply felt views against singing hymns ?


What has led you to the conclusion that I have any views that are anti hymn singing, deeply held or otherwise?


I have said nothing in this thread to suggest that; merely that people should not be forced to join in against their will.


Edit to add: I have just seen your apology in a later post. Please disregard the first sentence of this reply.

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