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Back home again an need a social life...


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I have recently moved back home with the parents after being away at university for the last five years (financial circumstances demanded!!)

I now have very few friends back here and am desperate to meet some people my own age(twenties), if only to give me an excuse to get out the house!

any ideas? you guys seem very helpful!

cheers guys.

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Originally posted by freya

thanks very much for that. ummmm this may seem silly but what do i do just walk in and shout "anyone here from the sheffield forum?"


lol can do if you want!! We sit on the left as you come into the pub and the tables usually have a reserved signed on them (although it isn't always obvious).


You probably will see us....we're the bunch of people that don't look like they should know each other!


You can always ask at the bar where we are sat and they should point us out!


Or if you want to come I can meet you outside and bring you in?? pm me if you want me to

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