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Arguments about God, including the ignostic-Ockham

Does God exists?  

42 members have voted

  1. 1. Does God exists?

    • Spencerian [hard] agnostic- no one can know
    • soft agnostic- I'm undecided
    • Huxley agnostic- it takes evidence
    • ignostic - He means nothing, so He can't exist.
    • soft atheist [ negative]- lack of belief
    • hard [positive]atheist-probably not
    • agnostic theist- He exists but we cannot know much about Him
    • pantheist- His the world itself.
    • polytheist- they exist
    • adeist- they exist but don't interfere in the world
    • deist-He exists but has no revelations- hol books

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I can accept and understand the physics behind what is said here. If we talk of our universe and things traveling in space (newtonian physics) with the negligible to non existant gravity, without intervention from a field of gravity or some other effect your not going to stop.


This could then go all the way back to this big bang. Then there is the talk of anything that can or might exist can,does,will or has. The easiest assumption to make in light of human ignorance as to how the universe really work is that something better than us has complete command over this.


For a god to exist, and to be above all these things, would mean to exist, so he cannot exist and therefor does.


I have spent alot of time trying to find some way of bridging the scientific and religious divide and the closest i have ever gotten is the nothingness theory...or because nothingness indicated a something....i prefer non existance theory.


To be honest I don't worry about it, personally I follow the teaching of Jesus and the message for me is the all important thing. Now as you know people have really quizzed me on here and put me through the mill a bit, and what has happened is that it has made me search and think like I never have before, and in a way I am grateful for that because I have learnt a lot, and the more I learn the stronger my faith becomes.


We often hear it said quite glibly that Jesus was God on earth but in this last few weeks the enormity of that has struck home and I am beginning to think that God really did reveal himself to us. I can't explain how it feels but it is an inner conviction and I trust him more than ever now. But it came through my own searching and I think it is very true when they say "seek and ye shall find."

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I think we are too deeply entrenched in our own beliefs to be honest :).


I have been known to try and explain god as an entity so i have not just blindly said THERE IS NO GOD!....without looking inside and outside the box, and the theory above is the closest i got.


I may continue on my course and it may change my mind, but the opinions of the religious will not sway me.


No offence....each to their own....would be happy to debate back and forth though...as you say....by doing so it might give us more as individuals and for that we should thank eachother :), though i just got some bad news about a family member and might not be top of my game

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I think we are too deeply entrenched in our own beliefs to be honest :).


I have been known to try and explain god as an entity so i have not just blindly said THERE IS NO GOD!....without looking inside and outside the box, and the theory above is the closest i got.


I may continue on my course and it may change my mind, but the opinions of the religious will not sway me.


No offence....each to their own....would be happy to debate back and forth though...as you say....by doing so it might give us more as individuals and for that we should thank eachother :), though i just got some bad news about a family member and might not be top of my game


Sorry to hear about the bad news Weazel.

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Order: If we accpet that there is order to the universe and it is not complete chaos, then there must be something that created the order. Human beings did not create the order of the universe, so there must be something that instilled order, and because we don't have that ability, the thing that created the order must be more powerful than ourselves.[/url]
But that need not be a god. A first cause could also easily be a natural process also. To be able to ask the question "who created the universe?" you first of all have to ask the question "was it a 'who' or a 'what' that created the universe?" and provide a definitive answer. Unless you can do that it is of no use asking the question "who created the universe?"


I have a question for you. Do you understand how solar systems are created from the remains of exploding stars? I would love to know how much you understand of the concept?

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I can accept and understand the physics behind what is said here. If we talk of our universe and things traveling in space (newtonian physics) with the negligible to non existant gravity, without intervention from a field of gravity or some other effect your not going to stop.
Just to point out there is no point in space where gravity doesn't exist. It exists everywhere to some degree...
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;6135198']Just to point out there is no point in space where gravity doesn't exist. It exists everywhere to some degree...


I know this, but said it anyway in case some numpty decided to be anal about it.


Can testify to knowing a great deal about solar system formation at least what is understood so far, considering the new planets being found however that whole idea is up in smoke.

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Can testify to knowing a great deal about solar system formation at least what is understood so far, considering the new planets being found however that whole idea is up in smoke.
Up in smoke? How any why? Surely the vast number of planets we've found so far just go to show how easy it is for stellar matter to form an accretion disk that will eventually end up as a solar system with planets?
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;6135498']Up in smoke? How any why? Surely the vast number of planets we've found so far just go to show how easy it is for stellar matter to form an accretion disk that will eventually end up as a solar system with planets?


I did not mean that the accretion disk is up in smoke, there is visible evidence in our system, vega and many others.......the timeframes however were in dispute last time i looked, going from the millions of years for formation to hundreds of years.

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