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Arguments about God, including the ignostic-Ockham

Does God exists?  

42 members have voted

  1. 1. Does God exists?

    • Spencerian [hard] agnostic- no one can know
    • soft agnostic- I'm undecided
    • Huxley agnostic- it takes evidence
    • ignostic - He means nothing, so He can't exist.
    • soft atheist [ negative]- lack of belief
    • hard [positive]atheist-probably not
    • agnostic theist- He exists but we cannot know much about Him
    • pantheist- His the world itself.
    • polytheist- they exist
    • adeist- they exist but don't interfere in the world
    • deist-He exists but has no revelations- hol books

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Can't say I've ever believed in the concept of God and Jesus being one and the same. The bible states they are not, Jesus even tells people he is not God. He is God's first creation and helper. The concept of the trinity is Roman Catholic church dogma that is not found anywhere in scripture.


Revelation 1:7-8 Jesus was the Almighty.

Genesis 17:1 The Almighty was God.


John 8:58 Jesus was the "I Am"

Exodus 3:14 The "I Am" was God


Acts 3:14 Jesus was the "HOLY ONE"

Isaiah 43:15 The "HOLY ONE" was God


John 8:24 Jesus is the "I Am He"

Isaiah 43:10 The "I Am He" was God


Revelation 22:13 Jesus is the "First and the Last"

Isaiah 44:6 The "First and the Last" was God


There are many more, for example:


"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. And the Word (God) was made flesh (Jesus) and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth. (John 1:1-3,14-17)



The woman saith unto him, I know that the Messiah cometh (he that is called Christ): when he is come, he will declare unto us all things. Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee am he. (John 4:25)

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Revelation 1:7-8 Jesus was the Almighty.

Genesis 17:1 The Almighty was God.


John 8:58 Jesus was the "I Am"

Exodus 3:14 The "I Am" was God


Acts 3:14 Jesus was the "HOLY ONE"

Isaiah 43:15 The "HOLY ONE" was God


John 8:24 Jesus is the "I Am He"

Isaiah 43:10 The "I Am He" was God


Revelation 22:13 Jesus is the "First and the Last"

Isaiah 44:6 The "First and the Last" was God


There are many more, for example:


"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. And the Word (God) was made flesh (Jesus) and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth. (John 1:1-3,14-17)



The woman saith unto him, I know that the Messiah cometh (he that is called Christ): when he is come, he will declare unto us all things. Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee am he. (John 4:25)

:oProof indeed, Grahame.


Stuff in books written by bronze age nomads for bronze age nomads, cobbled together by various committees over centuries (...leaving out the good bits; e.g. Gospel Of Judas...) confirms what is said in a book cobbled together by various committees over centuries (...leaving out the good bits; e.g. Gospel Of Judas...) from books written by bronze age nomads for bronze age nomads.


I'm convinced. So...


Who do I need to see about getting my penis mutilated (circumcised)?


Oh, and...


Does it have to be a Roman catholic priest that 'initiates' me, or will a minister from any denomination do.


:huh:On second thoughts, I just can't be buggered.

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How do you know what was in the pigeons mind.

By observing its behaviour obviously.


Seeing as the pigeon adapted its behaviour to the situation I imagine the pigeon could be trained to react differently to other stimuli.

Of course it could. The point however is that in Skinner's experiment the pigeons weren't actually trained to do anything.


The hopper delivered food automatically at fixed intervals regardless of what the pigeons did, in those circumstances pigeons developed a range of ritualistic behaviours in the presence of food hoppers. Individual pigeons made diverse false associations between certain types of behaviour and the hoppers opening and subsequently performed those behaviours over and over again in attempts to get food.


This can easily be seen as a kind of superstitious behaviour by the pigeons, less elaborate than your superstitious belief system obviously but still it would seem to suggest superstition isn't what separates us from 'lower' animals and is nothing to be proud of.

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You're strange. You posted a you-tube about a superstitious pigeon. What that has to do with the price of fish only you know, but you atheists don't half come out with some weird stuff.

Do you honestly not see how your comedic misunderstanding of "the virus of faith" idea which amongst other things led to you posting idiocy such as this:


You must have realised by now that your words mean nothing to me.


You are saying the virus has no concept of religion or God which describes atheists perfectly.


However the ant actively pursuing its work is presumably aware of other life around it, yet ignores it as though it is none existent which describes the closed mind of the atheist perfectly.


I postulate the atheist has the mind of a virus.

Might prompt someone to point out that superstition doesn't seem to be restricted to humans and is nothing to be proud of?

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Do you honestly not see how your comedic misunderstanding of "the virus of faith" idea which amongst other things led to you posting idiocy such as this:


Might prompt someone to point out that superstition doesn't seem to be restricted to humans and is nothing to be proud of?


Lets start again. This is what I said and you are proving me right in as much as far as religion is concerned, atheists have the mind of a virus, or a pigeon, take your pick. :D


Gleaned from the Richard Dawkins forum but put into my own words.


"It is generally accepted that humans are the most intelligent of the species and a goodly proportion of them practise some form of religion, while the ape, chimp, cockroach and the lowly virus do not. Therefore I postulate that as far as religion is concerned the atheist has the mind of a virus."


How say you all.

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Lets start again. This is what I said and you are proving me right in as much as far as religion is concerned, atheists have the mind of a virus, or a pigeon, take your pick. :D

:huh: But it is you theists not atheists who boast about being subject to superstition.

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