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Arguments about God, including the ignostic-Ockham

Does God exists?  

42 members have voted

  1. 1. Does God exists?

    • Spencerian [hard] agnostic- no one can know
    • soft agnostic- I'm undecided
    • Huxley agnostic- it takes evidence
    • ignostic - He means nothing, so He can't exist.
    • soft atheist [ negative]- lack of belief
    • hard [positive]atheist-probably not
    • agnostic theist- He exists but we cannot know much about Him
    • pantheist- His the world itself.
    • polytheist- they exist
    • adeist- they exist but don't interfere in the world
    • deist-He exists but has no revelations- hol books

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I guess that like a lot of other atheists he is going round all the forums attacking Christianity and if that is the case then what he posts needs showing up for the drivel it is. :)


Why atheists have to be like this I don't know. I just think people should be left in peace to follow whatever belief they want and if people have no belief then fair enough, but people do not need to be clobbered continually over the head with other peoples prejudices. There are some on here who take great delight in doing that as well and it needs to stop in my opinion. We don't need it.


re my bold. True, but unfortunately some Christians feel it necessary to impose their opinions on society. Why can't they just keep their prejudices to themselves?

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;6117065']No. Spirituality need not mean a belief in a deity. Most of the far eastern religions are based on philosophies that lack a theistic view. The closest they come to a concept of a god is a pantheistic view of the world; in other words they worship nature as their god but not a god.


Hope that helps... :)


Look Matt we don't need a sermon we have enough of that see my previous post, but you do make a good point in as much as I follow Jesus while Muslims follow Mohammed. The only difference being Jesus claimed divinity while Mohammed said he was an ordinary mortal.


I'm not saying any more, we have had these debates time and time again, suffice it to say pagans in their various cults worship nature, Muslims follow Mohammed and I follow Jesus who I believe is head over all.


That is what I think, I don't mind what other people think as long as they don't go round insulting me and Christianity. I am prepared to let sleeping dogs lie but people who say their is no divinity are thrusting a spear into the side of Jesus and I am not prepared to sit here and let them.


Sorry about the rant but as the years go by I get more and more annoyed especially with people like this guy who admits he is ignorant, but then starts to lecture me and others. I don't need it and I'm not going to put up with it.

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re my bold. True, but unfortunately some Christians feel it necessary to impose their opinions on society. Why can't they just keep their prejudices to themselves?


The aggressive ones on here are the atheists and there are far more of them. Their posts added together would make a mountain compared to my molehill. So you direct your comments in their direction please. Trouble is you won't because you are one of them, so how about you start the ball rolling and set example by doing just what you have said and keep your prejudices to your self.

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I guess that like a lot of other atheists he is going round all the forums attacking Christianity and if that is the case then what he posts needs showing up for the drivel it is. :)
Sceptical thinking is just simply taking the logical position of not letting any bizarre idea's into your head until those ideas withstand any criticism you have for them. In my eyes the theistic view lacks any solid evidence for me to be convinced that it holds any water. I tend not to promote my lack of beliefs and no one I know actually knows I'm a non believer simply because no ones bothered to ask. However I'm not immune to takling the odd bit of ignorance when I'm confronted with it. As in your case when you in past postings seemed to be absolutely clueless as to what gravity actually is but yet you seem more than willing to lecture all of us on the nature of the universe and how it came to being...


Why atheists have to be like this I don't know. I just think people should be left in peace to follow whatever belief they want and if people have no belief then fair enough, but people do not need to be clobbered continually over the head with other peoples prejudices. There are some on here who take great delight in doing that as well and it needs to stop in my opinion. We don't need it.
I and many other non believers are more than happy to let those who do believe go about their business without interference. The same cannot be said of the reverse situation however when religion holds far too much influence over society as is the case with the Church of England. They have the privileged position of having 26 Lords Spiritual in the House of Lords who are able to influence the laws of the land that govern not just other non believers who may disagree with those laws but also other religions that are also not able to exert the same influence.


Would it not be better to live in a secular society where the state is absolutely free of religious influence as this would give all religious and non religious views equal and fair treatment?

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Look Matt we don't need a sermon we have enough of that see my previous post, but you do make a good point in as much as I follow Jesus while Muslims follow Mohammed. The only difference being Jesus claimed divinity while Mohammed said he was an ordinary mortal.


I'm not saying any more, we have had these debates time and time again, suffice it to say pagans in their various cults worship nature, Muslims follow Mohammed and I follow Jesus who I believe is head over all.


That is what I think, I don't mind what other people think as long as they don't go round insulting me and Christianity. I am prepared to let sleeping dogs lie but people who say their is no divinity are thrusting a spear into the side of Jesus and I am not prepared to sit here and let them.


Sorry about the rant but as the years go by I get more and more annoyed especially with people like this guy who admits he is ignorant, but then starts to lecture me and others. I don't need it and I'm not going to put up with it.

Woah... why do you feel the need to get really upset when proven wrong? Sorry but I just don't understand why people do that. I for one actually love finding out a position or belief i held was actually incorrect simply because in the act of doing so your learn an opposite position is true. By being wrong you actually learn something new and educate yourself in the process... getting all uppity in the process just reveals your own insecurities...


In other words, calm down. :D

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The aggressive ones on here are the atheists and there are far more of them. Their posts added together would make a mountain compared to my molehill. So you direct your comments in their direction please. Trouble is you won't because you are one of them, so how about you start the ball rolling and set example by doing just what you have said and keep your prejudices to your self.


You are absolutely wrong. I couldn't care less if someone is a Christian (or any other religion for that matter). I have no real interest in disproving your or their beliefs. However, I do not respect those Christians who pray on vulnerable people, offering entrapment which is disguised as help. If they really wanted to help, then they would just get on with helping. I also do not like attempts by some Christians to control others, and who demand the right to discriminate against people who are different to them, based on their assumption that they are in some way superior.


Anyway, I'm well off topic (to be honest I neither understand or care about the actual subject of this thread, it might as well be in Greek, so I will shut up), so Bye Bye.

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The aggressive ones on here are the atheists and there are far more of them. Their posts added together would make a mountain compared to my molehill. So you direct your comments in their direction please. Trouble is you won't because you are one of them, so how about you start the ball rolling and set example by doing just what you have said and keep your prejudices to your self.


The Atheists?


well, would you believe it?

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