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Is it worth losing your civil liberties to reduce a "terror threat"

Nothing to hide?  

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no it won't, especially as the suicide bomber sitting next to you will have perfectly valid ID just like the madrid bombers of 11/3/2004 and the london bombers of 7/7/05 and the twin tower plane hijackers of 9/11/2001


ID doesn't make the slightest difference in preventing terrorism, in fact terrorists go to great lengths to make sure they have valid ID so that they and their cause can be identified after whatever atrocity they commit, they find valid ID useful


This is very true!


I just see ID cards as efficient and useful for other reasons.

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The Righteous never vary their methods of control because those methods always work. No matter how many times they are used, people just don't see it. The same methods have always worked and always will unless people can be made to see how the method works. Well, this time around, it's possible to tell them.


Oh yes, why did the Catholics not want the people to read the bible... Religion is the worst kind of government, one which is unquestioned as fact!



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This is an exert from a very interesting article I read a few days ago.


The Righteous never vary their methods of control because those methods always work. No matter how many times they are used, people just don't see it. The same methods have always worked and always will unless people can be made to see how the method works. Well, this time around, it's possible to tell them. This time we have global communication and the Righteous know it and are doing their best to silence it. They are using one of their favourites - for the cheeldren - because anyone objecting to that must be a child-hating monster who wants all children brutally maimed and killed and the images posted for the whole world to see. It's even more effective at silencing dissent than the 'if you believe that, then you must be racist' ploy.


They will probably succeed. Don't think so? I didn't think they'd succeed in making every single pub a non-smoking pub, but they did. I didn't think they could ever convince the public that minimum pricing on alcohol will have any effect on alcoholics at all, but they have. Using a few simple lines, every time.


"If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear."

"An Expert Says that this measure will solve the imaginary problem we just invented."

"For the Cheeeldren."

"Why would anyone object to this? It's for your safety."

"If you don't agree then you must be a (insert appropriate heretic term here)."


Blog silencing is happening all over the world. Some come back, most don't. Countries have lists of banned websites that they don't want people to see - and I don't mean North Korea, I mean Australia. If we're going to get any kind of message out there it'll have to be quick.


It all comes down to control through fear. Fausty has an excellent post on the most recent examples.


The real fear, the ultimately brilliant part of it, is that nobody is actually scared of the 'witch' of the time. They are scared that they will be identified as that 'witch'. Once identified, you are marked forever as an outcast. The Righteous can silence any objection to their actions by a sidelong look and a quiet 'You know, you're starting to sound like a heretic'.


Nowadays, people are not afraid of racists. They are afraid of being labelled a racist. They are not afraid of paedophiles. They are afraid to go anywhere near children in case they are labelled paedophile. It's not smoking they fear, it's the idea that if they let the smoker get tobacco scent on their clothes, others might think they smoke too. It's not alcoholism they fear but the perception of others that maybe they are drinking too much.


So they will join the mob that drags the witch to the local millpond because if they don't, suspicion will turn on them next. They must be loud and clear that they oppose the current witchery or else they will be deemed in support of it. How many times have you seen a troll demand that you denounce something you've never mentioned? If you don't then you must support it and therefore... a witch!


The real fear is fear itself. Not fear of the Thing, but fear of being accused of being the Thing. People will submit to full body scanners because if they refuse, they know the mob will take it as a sign of guilt. They will cheer on minimum alcohol pricing because if they don't then they must support alcoholism. They will worship the Green God because if they don't they will be seen as polar bear killers. Standard witchhunting methodology - the mob will always support the witchfinder because the witchfinder might accuse any who don't. The mob will be keen to report the witch to prove that they are not also witches. The mob is easily controlled by the fear of being accused, not the fear of the witch.


People will submit to all those lunatic controls on flights, some of which make absolutely no sense at all, not because they are scared of terrorists but because they are scared of being suspected themselves. All these controls on smoking, drinking, diet, travelling, what you can say and so on are not there for your benefit. They are to keep you in the mob, to keep you compliant and to keep you too scared to object.


If you don't question it, then you are controlled by fear and will accept the next absurdity without question also. Try it. Ask an airport security member why you have to take your belt off in some UK airports but not others. Why you have to take your laptop out of its bag in some airports but not others. Ask at a railway station why you have to pass through police-guarded barriers even though nobody's checking anything. They don't know - because there isn't a reason, other than proving you will do as you are told.


Life was simple when Big'n'Nasty ran the tribe. He had rules, everyone knew the rules and everyone knew what would happen if Big'n'Nasty caught them breaking the rules. It was rule by fear but it was easy to understand. Everyone was afraid of Big'n'Nasty, but anyone could challenge Big'n'Nasty for his position if they thought they were hard enough.


Now, we have a much more complex set of fears. There are Bad Things we must fear but there is also the deeper fear that someone might mistake us for the Bad Thing, and the mob will turn on us. The Righteous are careful not to be the object of that fear but to appear as salvation from it. The objects of fear change as fast as the rules so it's easy to be caught out. There is no way to wrest control from the controllers because they are not easy to identify, and if anyone tries, they simply cry 'heretic' and invoke the mob. They cannot be brought down from outside.


The Righteous fail when they go too far. When people in authority start speaking out against them. The Pope stopped the Inquistion. The Church stopped the Witchfinder-General. The common people did nothing because they were under the thrall of 'nothing to hide, nothing to fear' until someone they saw as an authority figure spoke out.


The full article can be read here:




Yes, but what would it be like on the farm without any rules?


and then...


Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? is a Latin phrase from the Roman poet Juvenal, which is literally translated as "Who will guard the guards themselves?"



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I don't think that other databases are more secure, but each one holds a limited amount of information and I'm not obliged to use other organisations at all.


But virtually any which use Windows and are not only on a sneakernet (even then) are vulnerable, and so are virtually all others..


And as it seems, many companies just give away (or sell) your data without you say so (sometimes they don't even realise their doing it).


To that effect, any credit check that you may have requested (for just about anything nowadays), you have the right to ask for a soft credit check, it doesn't leave such a large footprint of your data on all the databases they inquire. Oooh what a wicked web they weave... All gets there in the end.




Anyway the id card is dead after a large amount of the public objected to it.


I know, I like politics...

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