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£10 passages to Australia

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on my mums side, 3 generations went to Australia. left the cold chill of Glasgow and arrived to Australia in the burning heat of Summer.

My great grandparents lasted only a couple of months, but the fles and the butter melting on the shelf was too much to handle and they went back to Scotland.

My grandparents and parents are still in Australia.


My grandparents on my dads side also went out to Australia and all are still there.


I am the first generation from both sides to move from Australia to England (via Glasgow)


But both sides ofthe family went out i the 50's not the 60's.

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Thanks for the info, I lean to NZ or Canada personally. They do a lot of winter sports and surfing/sailing, and I'm not sure about how much snow you get in Oz? Neither of them do anything like what you mention though. They both have B.Eng.Honours degrees in Computer Sciences, and somehow I can't see my daughter either down a mine or pole dancing, so maybe not Oz then? :D


look just get a grip of your lass ,whos in charge over there woman!!just cos she 's got a bleedin degree don"t let it go to her head.tell her to get her black lace knickers on and a pair of welding googles and get her arce down here .you derserve an holiday in the sun its your turn now.as for n.z .(no you"ll die of boredom) once you find somebody to speak to !.they"er nearly as boring as the aussies.it snows for about 2 weeks in august at thredbo ,so tell her to bring her sledge

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why did people decide to leave Britain? I didn't think jobs etc were difficult to get in the 60s?


always some jobs but i had 3 jobs&worked 7 days a week with many a 24 hr day still very hard to keep 3kids fed never went away on holiday & the coal house was always empty, when coming to Canada we decided to come by boat our first break since marriage,we was greeted with brand new apartment &fill the grocery cart to the top for 20$ never saw so much cheap food this land was flowing with milk & honey never looked back:):):)

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Hi Texas, we meet again. I knew a Jeff Scholey, i'm wondering if it's the same one? The guy I knew I think came from the Page Hall/Owler Lane area, I thought he had emigrated to Canada, but could be wrong on that. It was also my understanding he eventually returned to the UK after many years away but has since passed away.

Hey fleets, It probably is the same guy, but he did go to Australia and then New Zealand. When he went down the City he was a tallish, lanky kid, dark hair in a crewcut, he was a jazz buff like the rest of us. I think prior to going to Australia he worked at Tommy Wards in the offices, but to raise a little extra cash he went in the rolling mills, nearly killed him, but he stuck it out and off he went.

He came to see me a good few years ago now, and the last I heard he was living in Manchester. Hope the bugger's not died.

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I had a mate, Jeff Scholey, he went on that scheme and stayed a number of years also New Zealand, but he came back. Don't ask why. Gerry knows him.


Texas, Jeff left for Australia 1958/59, he followed his younger brother who went there under some youth program and finished up working in the sugar fields cutting cane. I was working in Australia in 1990 and thought it would be nice to get in touch with Jeff again, spoke to his brother who told me he had returned to Sheffield. He didn't say why and I tried unsuccessfully to contact him there. If anyone knows his whereabouts it would be nice to get in touch with him again.

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Hi Texas and Gerry - I know, it's the same guy I knew, I had relatives that lived close to the Scholey family, so I used to see Jeff or (Geoff) from time to time when we were growing up. *** His dad had the herbalist shop at the corner of Rushby St and (?), his uncle Harry was a dentist with an office over the herbalist and Kathleen Scholey another family member had a women's dress shop just around the corner, next door to a relative of mine. *** I did bump into Jeff periodically when we were older and as Texas pointed out he was a jazz fan and was planning to emigrate at some point. *** I don't know what school he attended but I seem to recollect he might have chum-ed around in his late teen years and early twenties with a guy I knew, Ron Clark an ex red cap from Firth Park. (I'm stretching the memory muscles on that one, while the last name is factual, i'm not a 100% sure wether they knew one another.) *** Now for the sad part, I was on a thread on the forum and a Scholey family member PM'd me and mentioned that Jeff did return to the UK and had since passed away, i'm afraid I have no knowledge of dates, times or where or when.

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...Now for the sad part, I was on a thread on the forum and a Scholey family member PM'd me and mentioned that Jeff did return to the UK and had since passed away, i'm afraid I have no knowledge of dates, times or where or when.
Hi - I don't know if either of these birth/death records is the right one, but from the G.R.O. indexes:


...Jeffrey Scholey, born Rother Valley 18 June 1938, died Rotherham December 2004

...Samuel Geoffrey M. Scholey, born Sheffield 23 February 1934, died Sheffield February 2001

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That last regarding Jeff doesn't sound good. To reiterate on what's already been mentioned, and to add a few details,all Gerry said about his departure in '58/59 is true. I recieved a few letters from him over the next couple of years until I left Sheffield myself. Apparantely he took up saxaphone (baritone) and was doing OK. What else he was up to I don't know and we lost touch. Cerca mid 70's, while living here in Southampton, who should turn up but Jeff with another friend of mine. He told me the reason he'd returned to the UK via New Zealand and California, but I reserve the right not to divulge it. The last time I saw him, he was at his father's, at Beighton near Sheffield, and he seemed fine although a little subdued. I went to see him again about 6 months later,again at his father's, but his father had died, and the lady who was living at the address told me Jeff and his bro' had moved to Manchester.

You're right about the herbalist's shop fleets, I remember Jeff mentioning that many years ago. And he did live around the Crabtree Lane area. Let's hope his demise has been exagerated, to paraphrase a literary hero of his.

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Hi - I don't know if either of these birth/death records is the right one, but from the G.R.O. indexes:


...Jeffrey Scholey, born Rother Valley 18 June 1938, died Rotherham December 2004

...Samuel Geoffrey M. Scholey, born Sheffield 23 February 1934, died Sheffield February 2001


I believe it would have been the second one I was born in 35 and I know Jeff was a year or two older than me. Sad news, why is it that people die just when you hope to see them again for at least one more time. Sign of age I guess.

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