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Terminally ill? Stop Malingering and Get a job!

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As a lung cancer victim who was denied ESA I could go on for hours about this subject. The people at the DWP are cretins and prove it everyday. I decided to say "stuff your benefits", £64 a week after 46 years of paying NI contributions is pathetic anyway. I work part time in a fair bit of discomfort but I am not going cap in hand to those cretins again. I am not terminal, but have a 50/50 chance of living 5 years. I dont beg and WONT beg, and will work as long as I can draw breath. DWP employees, hang your heads in shame !!!!!

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I live in a place which many people (about 85% of the inhabitants of this country) describe as 'paradise'.


'Paradise' is where you can do what you want when you want to do it.


That doesn't mean 'safe'. 'Safe' can be fun, but sometimes 'fun' can be more challenging.


Are you suggesting that people should only do what they are allowed to do (or only do what is 'approved' by the state?)


My doctor said (in 2005) I was terminally ill. I agree. That's life, but I have a say in it too ... and it appears I'm going to live a bit longer than he thought. - Another doctor said (in 2008 ) 'You're good for a few more years yet'.


I'm in no hurry to 'shuffle off this mortal coil' and I enjoy life.

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I don't know what was paid out to people 30 years ago as I am only in my twenties.

Your argument though is ridiculous. How would you prove whether or not someone had taken a drink or been a smoker years or decades ago, or whether that was the causative factor?

I also would be pretty certain that in the case of drink and drug problems any benefit paid will most likely be for the underlying health problem that has led to the drink or drug problem.

And why take a stance against drinkers and smokers who pay more in tax than the average person (assuming the average person in a teetotal non smoker which I doubt) and not against other activities that are equally dangerous? If you wish to be so hardline against drink and drugs then why not against food and obesity related illness?

The top and bottom of it is drug addicts and alcholics get treat better by the DWP than some one who has worked most of their lives and has had the misfortune to have an accident at work FACT how do i know this because i was one of the misfortunate ones to have an accident at work:mad:
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The top and bottom of it is drug addicts and alcholics get treat better by the DWP than some one who has worked most of their lives and has had the misfortune to have an accident at work FACT how do i know this because i was one of the misfortunate ones to have an accident at work:mad:


putting FACT after something doesn't make it true. happyhippy has gone into some detail previously about which benefits people who are addicted can and do get. Some people seem to think that simply having an addiction gets you ESA. It doesn't.

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Good post purdy, and I think you are right. So many people now will tolerate all sorts of injustices, provided they're not happening to them or people close to them. So you have people who are blasé that the police are a law unto themselves, because it's not happening to them; who are happy to see front line council services cut to pay for tax cuts, because it won't affect them; and who don't mind if people who are really ill are being hounded by a Kafkaesque bureaucracy, because it's not happening to them. The problem is, the more injustices go unchallenged, the more likely they are to multiply - governments will try and get away with whatever the population allows them to. As that happens, it becomes more likely that an injustice will affect you.



Funnily enough...there was a local campaign and several national campaigns set up FIVE years ago to challenge and combat the tory ...sorry..New Labour govt proposals on DLA and Incapacity.

Locally the group was Sheffield Welfare Action Network.(SWAN)..which challenged the govts proposals and campaigned vigorously...for around three years...but got very little support locally...apart from a handful of people...and some of the left wing and green politicians, plus Paul Scriven too, DID go on the demo march from Devonshire Green to Town Hall...


In the main...press, media, politicians, local people were JUST NOT INTERESTED in listening to the stories of the sick and disabled then....and were, it seems, taken in by the lies of the govt...who "desperately needed" to save a few quid of the national purse from these despicable work shy subjects.


The only main politician who took any notice was John Mcdonnel...the labour left guy who was going to stand for leadership election against Brown...until he was forced down...

At least Mcdonnel...came over the road from the Labour party conference in Manchester...I think it was in 2006..when we had a national march against proposed government DLA/IB reforms.

There were approx 100-150 protestors on the demo outside the New Labour conference..and most of the New Labour people across the road...didn't appear to hear or care less about the plight of some of the most vulnerable people in the country...then....or probably now...with the exception of Mcdonnell and one or two others.


It will need a govt of real, caring people - possibly a coalition of some sorts...or a left wing...true labour party with a big majority (ditto Lib dems)..to be able now to overturn what THEY have brought in...voted for..

SHAME and disgust on them that did.


Who can afford to give DLA or IB when there are guns and tanks to be made and sold...for conflict and war?

It's the economy....STUPID.


Thankyou Teafan...and others - for your caring and postings on here....

Possibly too little..too late.

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Funnily enough...there was a local campaign and several national campaigns set up FIVE years ago to challenge and combat the tory ...sorry..New Labour govt proposals on DLA and Incapacity.

Locally the group was Sheffield Welfare Action Network.(SWAN)..which challenged the govts proposals and campaigned vigorously...for around three years...but got very little support locally...apart from a handful of people...and some of the left wing and green politicians, plus Paul Scriven too, DID go on the demo march from Devonshire Green to Town Hall...


In the main...press, media, politicians, local people were JUST NOT INTERESTED in listening to the stories of the sick and disabled then....and were, it seems, taken in by the lies of the govt...who "desperately needed" to save a few quid of the national purse from these despicable work shy subjects.


The only main politician who took any notice was John Mcdonnel...the labour left guy who was going to stand for leadership election against Brown...until he was forced down...

At least Mcdonnel...came over the road from the Labour party conference in Manchester...I think it was in 2006..when we had a national march against proposed government DLA/IB reforms.

There were approx 100-150 protestors on the demo outside the New Labour conference..and most of the New Labour people across the road...didn't appear to hear or care less about the plight of some of the most vulnerable people in the country...then....or probably now...with the exception of Mcdonnell and one or two others.


It will need a govt of real, caring people - possibly a coalition of some sorts...or a left wing...true labour party with a big majority (ditto Lib dems)..to be able now to overturn what THEY have brought in...voted for..

SHAME and disgust on them that did.


Who can afford to give DLA or IB when there are guns and tanks to be made and sold...for conflict and war?

It's the economy....STUPID.


Thankyou Teafan...and others - for your caring and postings on here....

Possibly too little..too late.


Interesting post.


I think it is so sad that people get up in arms about sickness and disability benefits, when the country is haemorraghing (sp?) money on wars it can't afford and cant win, some of the richest people and corporations are avoiding paying tax here through loopholes etc and bankers in banks that failed and have been bailed out by the taxpayer are being payed mutlimillion pound bonuses from tax payers money.

It just seems bizarre. OK, I imagine some people do try and maybe some succeed in fiddling the system of sickness/disability benefits but I bet the cost lost to that is a drop in the ocean compared to war and corruption and lost tax. And having spent too many hours in the past looking at claim forms, attending medicals, gathering evidence, appealing etc I really don;t know how the frauds do get away with it as it seems like a stressful nightmare for genuine claimants I have helped (relatives)

So don;t for a second think I am advocating fraud, I just think that maybe if it is down to finance the powers that be would be more productive and raise more revenue by turning their attention to other matters. I just worry that y targeting sickness benefits it is likely to be the most vulnerable who suffer the most.

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Funnily enough...there was a local campaign and several national campaigns set up FIVE years ago to challenge and combat the tory ...sorry..New Labour govt proposals on DLA and Incapacity.

Locally the group was Sheffield Welfare Action Network.(SWAN)..which challenged the govts proposals and campaigned vigorously...for around three years...but got very little support locally...apart from a handful of people...and some of the left wing and green politicians, plus Paul Scriven too, DID go on the demo march from Devonshire Green to Town Hall...


In the main...press, media, politicians, local people were JUST NOT INTERESTED in listening to the stories of the sick and disabled then....and were, it seems, taken in by the lies of the govt...who "desperately needed" to save a few quid of the national purse from these despicable work shy subjects.


The only main politician who took any notice was John Mcdonnel...the labour left guy who was going to stand for leadership election against Brown...until he was forced down...

At least Mcdonnel...came over the road from the Labour party conference in Manchester...I think it was in 2006..when we had a national march against proposed government DLA/IB reforms.

There were approx 100-150 protestors on the demo outside the New Labour conference..and most of the New Labour people across the road...didn't appear to hear or care less about the plight of some of the most vulnerable people in the country...then....or probably now...with the exception of Mcdonnell and one or two others.


It will need a govt of real, caring people - possibly a coalition of some sorts...or a left wing...true labour party with a big majority (ditto Lib dems)..to be able now to overturn what THEY have brought in...voted for..

SHAME and disgust on them that did.


Who can afford to give DLA or IB when there are guns and tanks to be made and sold...for conflict and war?

It's the economy....STUPID.


Thankyou Teafan...and others - for your caring and postings on here....

Possibly too little..too late.


We've probably met then dropout, I was involved with SWAN early on, but since becoming a dad I haven't had time. Unfortunately what we were saying at the time became true, and it's a shame that more people didn't listen at the time. I wrote to the General Secretary of the NUM at the time, pointing out that this was going to affect a lot of their members (pneumoconiosis, muscular-skeletal problems, etc.), but they weren't really interested. Very short-sighted.

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