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Conservative Negative Advertising Campaign

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hows about 'you're too young to remember what it's like in the north of england, in a recession under a tory government -so why not give it a go?'

that should do it - personally,i do remember which is why i will choke on my own vomit whilst voting labour.

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Very good, keep making them and send them to the local Conservative MP/councillor. They may like your ideas and use them.


Then when you have your grandchild on you knee in many years and he/she asks you what did you do during the time of the last labour government, you can say “My worlds where used to oust them” :thumbsup:

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ahem, simply because they've announced a valueless 'proposal' to tax the banks (how much, how long for?) they still have a fully costed hard pledge to cut corporation tax. the corporation tax that banks pay.




i keep up. you should try it :P



The quotes against Brown's fizzog don't appear to be negative campaigning, just the truth.



It would be nice if Brown would have the bottle pull his finger out and actually announce an election then they can all get on with outlining policies for our consideration. I'm wondering if he thinks he doesn't have to have an election if he doesn't mention it it.


The tories don't have any policies of their own, they can only criticise the incumbent. that is called negative advertising.


and the 'truth' is a little questionable, they call him on the size of the current deficit which most experts [sic] agree was unavoidable (the tories would have had us at the same deficit, the differnce is they want to clear it quicker.. but they're making out the size of the deficit per se is the problem..)


typical tory weasel tactics. [aat this point i realised i'd left my objectivity at the door... like i care lol]


gordie ain't a people person but at least he's a real person, which is why the tories despise him i guess.

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is this ok or not?


for my money the reply would be a picture of David Cameron saying "I'd cut taxes for banks and bankers, vote for me"


Looks fair comment to me the posters that they've printed!


Don't think your reply hold much water really. Read on Wikepedia what happened in the winter of discontent in the 1970s & what is happening now & tell me the difference. I'll tell you on Gordon's behalf:-' I never saw the biggest recession coming since the 1930s & if I did I didn't think to limit the toxic debts to limit it's impact. I've bailed the banks & bankers out & they'll still be getting their massive bonusses, plus still quaffing their expensive single malts in their spare time whilst I'll have to make massive cuts in the Nhs & education-Vote for me I've done 'a sterling job'..... Love Gordon.

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ahem, simply because they've announced a valueless 'proposal' to tax the banks (how much, how long for?) they still have a fully costed hard pledge to cut corporation tax. the corporation tax that banks pay.




i keep up. you should try it :P





The tories don't have any policies of their own, they can only criticise the incumbent. that is called negative advertising.


and the 'truth' is a little questionable, they call him on the size of the current deficit which most experts [sic] agree was unavoidable (the tories would have had us at the same deficit, the differnce is they want to clear it quicker.. but they're making out the size of the deficit per se is the problem..)


typical tory weasel tactics. [aat this point i realised i'd left my objectivity at the door... like i care lol]


gordie ain't a people person but at least he's a real person, which is why the tories despise him i guess.


You poor bugger if you think he is a real person? He looks shocking. Looks like he's aging in dog years that bloke. If he's 'keeping it real' glad I'm not!

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