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You still didn’t answer my question. Why do you accept every piece of information that comes out of no.10 without question?


The labour Investment vs. Tory cuts is case and point you just swallow everything labour says. Why?

Could be that Titanic99 is one of the grossly overpaid senior management employees in Browns public sector jobs for all fiasco! (closely allied to the education for all fiasco).
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Could be that Titanic99 is one of the grossly overpaid senior management employees in Browns public sector jobs for all fiasco! (closely allied to the education for all fiasco).


Nope, not at all although I thank you for feeling I'm worthy of such a high position.


I work in the Private sector, company made large profits last year yet still made 25% of our department redundant and froze pay for those of us who survived.


Perhaps one of the reasons I give no credence to what these business people say.


But again, if you want to give them some more money and stop building new schools then feel free to vote Tory

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I'll wave them goodbye and not worry about it, there are plenty of others willing to replace them and not to demand the ludicrous wages (net) that these seem to think they are worth.




You'll certainly wave them goodbye but I don't notice too many coming along to take their place.


You name me one big name company that has set up in the UK in the last 5 years and I'll name you 10 that have moved out.


Your's is the typical attitude of a blinkered socialist. They claim service have improved but ignore the fact that the bill has still to be paid. They shout up for the workers but seem to ignore that it is companies that employ them.


I agree with several other posters on this thread that there is little point debating with you. You don't have the intelligence to understand anything that isn't indoctrinated into you by generation of inbreeding.

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Not at all, there's nothing wrong with wanting an equal distribution of wealth and I'm relieved I'm not in the same "Dire Straits" that the Anarchist and Serapis find themselves in.


Equal share of nothing is nothing.......potatoes & vodka all round eh? Or is it dog chow mein / a good dose of carcinogen & sweat shop production?

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You don't have the intelligence to understand anything that isn't indoctrinated into you by generation of inbreeding.


So which parts of the posts from you, or others do you feel I am unable to understand?

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Equal share of nothing is nothing.......potatoes & vodka all round eh? Or is it dog chow mein / a good dose of carcinogen & sweat shop production?


Equal share of 9 Trillion is quite a lot though!!

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Equal share of 9 Trillion is quite a lot though!!


Proven wrong already. It only ever made it just above 7 and then went into free fall after Labour screwed the economy up.


Do you think if you keep repeating rubbish people will eventually believe you??


Unfortunately for you, people are not as thick as you may think and see you as the one trick pony you are.

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Equal share of 9 Trillion is quite a lot though!!




UK wealth topped out at 7 Trillion in 2007. This is before the recession.

56% of that wealth was made up the value of housing in the UK. It is not liquid wealth.


Read the real information here and do not be taken in by Titanic’s lies.

REF: http://www.statistics.gov.uk/cci/nugget.asp?id=479

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It looks as though the Labour and big business relationship is well and truly over. Lord Voldemort Mandelson has started attacking the head of Barclays Bank. Incidentally Barclays was one of the only banks not to need state help.


ref: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/8601512.stm


Not a bad thing, I'd rather they focused on the needs of the poorer members of Society than the rich.


Lol. This is beathtaking stupidity by Slimey Mandy. Lord Mandy is having a go at the boss of not only one of the banks that DID NOT require a state bailout, but also managed to make £11.6bn profit for 2009/10. Barclays are also deferring bonuses. Compare that to state owned RBS which made a £3.6bn loss for 2009/10 AND are still paying out bonuses, effectively funded by the taxpayer. Lord Mandy has got it all twisted the wrong way, how can we trust this un-elected snake-in-a-suit with "the recovery"? Perhaps he is annoyed that this is one of the banks he would have liked to have nationalised to add to his little collection.


Titanic - do you not understand that the success of the economy and breaking free of the slump depends on private sector businesses, large and small, creating wealth, being successful and turning a profit? Think of all the tax revenue the treasury will gain as a result of the Barclays profits. It's not just individual share holders that benefit from share dividends. What about all the pension funds of workers that invest in their shares, possibly even your own pension if you have one.

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