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Conservative Negative Advertising Campaign

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Looks fair comment to me the posters that they've printed!


Don't think your reply hold much water really. Read on Wikepedia what happened in the winter of discontent in the 1970s & what is happening now & tell me the difference. I'll tell you on Gordon's behalf:-' I never saw the biggest recession coming since the 1930s & if I did I didn't think to limit the toxic debts to limit it's impact. I've bailed the banks & bankers out & they'll still be getting their massive bonusses, plus still quaffing their expensive single malts in their spare time whilst I'll have to make massive cuts in the Nhs & education-Vote for me I've done 'a sterling job'..... Love Gordon.


Mmmhmm take all of that, and I'd agree with most of it... then think about this:


Cameron would make things EVEN WORSE.


Brown = bad

Cameron = evil

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Mmmhmm take all of that, and I'd agree with most of it... then think about this:


Cameron would make things EVEN WORSE.


Brown = bad

Cameron = evil


So you're saying I know a punch in the face will hurt but a kick in the nuts will hurt more. That's crazy talk!!!! What i'm trying to say is I'd rather neither!!


People who say that Labour are for us / the real people are deluded!

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is this ok or not?


for my money the reply would be a picture of David Cameron saying "I'd cut taxes for banks and bankers, vote for me"


That's not negative advertising. He says Brown has doubled the nations debt. That is merely telling the truth. Negative advertising would be claiming that Brown intended to double the nations debt again. Which he probably does.

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So you're saying I know a punch in the face will hurt but a kick in the nuts will hurt more. That's crazy talk!!!! What i'm trying to say is I'd rather neither!!


No, read what I said. I too would rather have neither.


I said the only choice was between a kick in the teeth and a kick in the goolies.


We would all much rather have neither, BUT THAT'S NOT THE CHOICE.


People who say that Labour are for us / the real people are deluded!


True. But then people who say the Tories will fix anything are EVEN MORE DELUDED.



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No Brown bad... PROVEN FACT

Cameron worse.. YOUR SPECULATION.


Fair point! Brown unlelected & proven to be rubbish. Cameron no track record....so liken him to Thatcher! That's like saying Thatcher is the same as Neville Chamberlin.


One="I have in my hand a piece of paper from Her Hiltler"....he's invaded what?


Other=The Argies have done what...right then!


Same... see...???????

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No, read what I said. I too would rather have neither.


I said the only choice was between a kick in the teeth and a kick in the goolies.


We would all much rather have neither, BUT THAT'S NOT THE CHOICE.




True. But then people who say the Tories will fix anything are EVEN MORE DELUDED.




It needs something because this 'repoint the wall when it's fallen down & a pile of bricks' attitude is killing the country. We need someone STRONG who will react to change when it happens not after the horse has bolted!

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That's not negative advertising. He says Brown has doubled the nations debt. That is merely telling the truth. Negative advertising would be claiming that Brown intended to double the nations debt again. Which he probably does.


Doubling the nation's debt was a result of the economic crisis and is widely regarded as having been unavoidable in the circumatances.


It's a false criticism as although the Tories did disagree with a stimulus, it's now accepted they were wrong.


And the economic crisis was the result of Labour following TORY policies ... 'ooh let the banks do what they want' which Brown did do (to the delight of the Tories don't forget, they used to whoop it up trying to tell us that New Labour was just the Tories in another coat eh) and the banks screwed us over.

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It needs something because this 'repoint the wall when it's fallen down & a pile of bricks' attitude is killing the country. We need someone STRONG who will react to change when it happens not after the horse has bolted!


Exactly. Or to be more exact - 3 such people. All called Jeremy.


Kyle (Home Office)

Clarkson (Foreign Office)

Paxman (Prime Minister)

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