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Or how about "the massive collapse in the UK economy was brought about directly by Gordon Brown's fiscal policies."?


don't forget to add: which were wildly applauded by the tories, who screamed blue murder at any mention of banking regulation and then blamed the government for not regulating enough.

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As a Tory I'm quite disappointed that they've restored to muck slinging.


However, locally we've adopted a policy of not rising to the bait of the desperate lies that the Labour MP is spouting in her regular newsletters (which only seem to come out at election time, we never hear from her at any other time).

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don't forget to add: which were wildly applauded by the tories, who screamed blue murder at any mention of banking regulation and then blamed the government for not regulating enough.


Oddly enough I don't recall any of this fantasy of yours. But not doubt you will be able to post a link to it. I won't hold my breath.

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Oddly enough I don't recall any of this fantasy of yours. But not doubt you will be able to post a link to it. I won't hold my breath.


Try reading up on "light touch" regulatory policy.


Tory idea, adopted by Brown. When he eventually realised that perhaps some regulation might be needed the Conservatives threw a fit. Regulate BANKS?!! But you still have cash in your pocket!! No regulation until we ave ALL your money!


"In many ways, Brown was just a particularly enthusiastic cheerleader for a false collective wisdom which a great many Conservative oppositions believed in too. The error of judgment was widely held. We have to identify the mistakes, not the people."


admittedly linked to the introduction of a questionnaire and argued by a political journo, but to be frank if you didn't realise New Labour's attitudes to the financial sector were a "carry on as before" from the previous Conservative policies then you really don't pay enough attention to politics to criticise other people's opinions eh? :rolleyes:

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You clearly have a duff source.




But if you follow the BBC news report which says "The average wealth of households was put at £204,500". This includes the value of your home, but the average price of a house in the UK is £219,832. So by your calculations we are worth -£15,300. Then add on the nation debt (£848.5 Billion) we get a worth of -£138,194 each.


That’s fantastic, we on average owe nearly £140,000. That coupled with the Labour parties quantitative easing program which has devalued our currency meaning all imported goods (which we rely on) are now more expensive. And to top it all off the country is about lose its high level credit rating, costing us even more.



Your logic is flawed, first of all the figures quoted are net of debt so anyone with a house worth £240,000 with a mortgage o/s of £200,000 is worth £40,000.


Also, not everyone man,woman and child is a houseowner hence the reason why the report indicates it only accounts for 39% of wealth.

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and of course this little gem taken from your link.....But while half of households owned just 9% of the wealth, the most prosperous 20% of households held 62%. ......


I agree totally mate, no doubt the wealth has increased but how it has been distributed leaves a lot to be desired.


Never put you down as a Socialist though!

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here's some of my ideas:


I trebled the nations wealth from 3 to 9 trillion

i stopped obscenely low wages

i took 2 million pensioners out of poverty

i cut crime

i cut waiting times in the nhs

i rebuilt the schools after years of neglect

i took millions of kids out of poverty

i kept the effect of the recession away from more people than the last lot did

i won't be voting to give myself a half a million quid through inheritance tax changes




Crime is going up it's a fact! It's just the reporting of it that shows it going down. Where in the NCS is vehicle crime? Where are repeat offender (over 5x)? Where are crimes committed by under 16yr olds? All unreported, that's where!!!!


Waiting times on the nhs :hihi::hihi:


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.....But while half of households owned just 9% of the wealth, the most prosperous 20% of households held 62%. ......but don't worry about it I am sure your kids will be able to pay inheritance tax on your hovel.


Sad I know, but keep taking the tablets.


I agree totally mate, no doubt the wealth has increased but how it has been distributed leaves a lot to be desired.


Never put you down as a Socialist though!


So Titanic can I get this straight? You want us to vote Labour because they've made 20% of the households hold 62% of the countries wealth???


(Then bailed out the bankers with their bonusses after / despite making earth shattering losses whilst leaving manufacturing to rot)


You're hardly providing a working class arguement here are you? You've highlighted how Labour have made the rich.....well richer & made the gap wider between those that have & those that don't!

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Try reading up on "light touch" regulatory policy.


Tory idea, adopted by Brown. When he eventually realised that perhaps some regulation might be needed the Conservatives threw a fit. Regulate BANKS?!! But you still have cash in your pocket!! No regulation until we ave ALL your money!


"In many ways, Brown was just a particularly enthusiastic cheerleader for a false collective wisdom which a great many Conservative oppositions believed in too. The error of judgment was widely held. We have to identify the mistakes, not the people."


admittedly linked to the introduction of a questionnaire and argued by a political journo, but to be frank if you didn't realise New Labour's attitudes to the financial sector were a "carry on as before" from the previous Conservative policies then you really don't pay enough attention to politics to criticise other people's opinions eh? :rolleyes:


That doesn't point to a party policy despite your link being to nothing more than someone's blog. It was Brown as Chancellor that made the Bank of England independant. That wasn't Conservative policy either. Brown then established the FSA to take over the BoE's role of regulator of the financial institutions. Not Conservative policy and something the FSA totally failed to regulate hence Equitable Life, Northern Rock, etc etc.

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