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Are Christians discriminated against in the UK?

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you are, once again, wrong, grahame.


The sin of the occupants of Sodom and Gomorrah was not that of having sex with other men. Their sin was that of not being hospitable to the strangers and sojourners who arrived amongst them, contrary to God's commandment.


What I find amazing is that Lot offers the men of Sodom his two virgin daughters for gang rape rather than the angels. Whose definition of good is this?


But as i have bible classes with Jehovah's witnesses what do I know. they're all Satanists it seems (according to research done by Grahame).

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What I find amazing is that Lot offers the men of Sodom his two virgin daughters for gang rape rather than the angels. Whose definition of good is this?


But as i have bible classes with Jehovah's witnesses what do I know. they're all Satanists it seems (according to research done by Grahame).


Lots daughters were safe and were never in danger from the homosexual mob.

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<snip> Actually, grahame, Baal, the translation of the name of one of the Phoenecian gods, is "lord". As opposed to LORD as used for Jahweh.


"Some scholars claim it is uncertain whether "Ba'al" 'the Lord' refers to Melqart in Kings 10:26. They point out that Hadad was also worshipped in Tyre."


"At first the name Ba'al was used by the Jews for their God without discrimination...... [particularly so in books like Leviticus].


Since Ba‘al simply means 'Lord', there is no obvious reason for which it could not be applied to Yahweh as well as other gods. In fact, Hebrews generally referred to Yahweh as Adonai ('My Lord') in prayer."


"Ba‛al" can refer to any god and even to human officials;" It was these officials who ordered the killings we read about in the Old Testament. The true God commanded us not to kill.




We need to be aware that "the Lord" in scripture may not mean the Almighty. If anyone is upset by what they read in Leviticus and similar passages, then they need not be because the true God is a God of love.

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"Some scholars claim it is uncertain whether "Ba'al" 'the Lord' refers to Melqart in Kings 10:26. They point out that Hadad was also worshipped in Tyre."


"At first the name Ba'al was used by the Jews for their God without discrimination...... [particularly so in books like Leviticus].


Since Ba‘al simply means 'Lord', there is no obvious reason for which it could not be applied to Yahweh as well as other gods. In fact, Hebrews generally referred to Yahweh as Adonai ('My Lord') in prayer."


"Ba‛al" can refer to any god and even to human officials;" It was these officials who ordered the killings we read about in the Old Testament. The true God commanded us not to kill.




We need to be aware that "the Lord" in scripture may not mean the Almighty. If anyone is upset by what they read in Leviticus and similar passages, then they need not be because the true God is a God of love.


Keep ranting,the more you rant the quicker the churches empty.

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You've always had a bit of an issue with buggery haven't you Grahame?

Any idea who commits the most buggery? Go on have a guess, I dare you.

Roman catholic priests and bishops? (Apart from when the choir boys are at choir practice, of course.)


Did I get it right? Is there a prize?

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If you want the law of God in relation to what you posted above then this is it


(Proverbs 15:8) "The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the LORD: but the prayer of the upright is his delight.


The way of the wicked is an abomination unto the LORD: but he (God) loveth him that followeth after righteousness."



You're quoting the OT again, Grahame. You know; the one that's only for the Jews when it suits you.


:huh: ...and I can't see where that refers to homosexuality. Perhaps it takes a homophobe to do that.

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I have seen people on here saying what is wrong with promiscuity and actually encouraging it, including giving children condoms. :loopy:



How does giving anybody condoms encourage promiscuity? If people are going to have sex, promiscuous or otherwise, condoms (though not 100% effective) reduce the risk of unwanted pregnancy (...not everybody believes that sex other than for reproductive purposes is sinful...) and STDs (STIs if you prefer).


If they're not going to have sex, they can blow them up like balloons, or make water bombs.


Condoms alone cannot encourage promiscuity. Are you implying that the people dishing them out are telling the recipients to 'go for it'?

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Lots daughters were safe and were never in danger from the homosexual mob.

They weren't much of a mob, then. Any 'port in a storm' and all that.:hihi:


But seriously, it's more to do with Lot offering them to the mob.


...and that god thought him the one resident moral enough to be saved.


And the religious say you need religion for moral guidance!:roll:

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How does giving anybody condoms encourage promiscuity? If people are going to have sex, promiscuous or otherwise, condoms (though not 100% effective) reduce the risk of unwanted pregnancy (...not everybody believes that sex other than for reproductive purposes is sinful...) and STDs (STIs if you prefer).


If they're not going to have sex, they can blow them up like balloons, or make water bombs.


Condoms alone cannot encourage promiscuity. Are you implying that the people dishing them out are telling the recipients to 'go for it'?


I totally agree there. Giving them the information, and techniques to be able to say "no" and not just "yes", and the full "gen" on where to get help and advice about matters sexual, including how to avoid unwanted pregnancies and avoiding STIs is not encouraging promiscuity, redwhine.


It's helping them make informed decisions about keeping themselves safe.

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