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Are Christians discriminated against in the UK?

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I totally agree there. Giving them the information, and techniques to be able to say "no" and not just "yes", and the full "gen" on where to get help and advice about matters sexual, including how to avoid unwanted pregnancies and avoiding STIs is not encouraging promiscuity, redwhine.


It's helping them make informed decisions about keeping themselves safe.



"It's helping them make informed decisions about keeping themselves safe" while they do it. :gag:


The worst of it is that condoms are given to children.


I feel sick.

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"It's helping them make informed decisions about keeping themselves safe" while they do it. :gag:


The worst of it is that condoms are given to children.


I feel sick.


would you prefer that they used cling-film? Or simply got pregnant/ acquired an STI?


Don't go getting on your High Horse. teenagers have been experimenting with sex since the big boss man upstairs invented it.


Thankfully not all teenagers do "indulge", but unlike you, I am big enough and ugly enough to understand that there will always be some who will have sex, under-age.


No matter what laws are passed we'll never stop them if they are intent on doing it. so the best thing we can do is equip them with the tools to say no, and the tools to protect themselves, from pregnancies and STIs.


Ignorance is not bliss.


Oh! For the return of the days of the Magdalene Laundries, where those wicked fallen girls received their just desserts, eh, grahame?

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"Some scholars claim it is uncertain whether "Ba'al" 'the Lord' refers to Melqart in Kings 10:26. They point out that Hadad was also worshipped in Tyre."


"At first the name Ba'al was used by the Jews for their God without discrimination...... [particularly so in books like Leviticus].


Since Ba‘al simply means 'Lord', there is no obvious reason for which it could not be applied to Yahweh as well as other gods. In fact, Hebrews generally referred to Yahweh as Adonai ('My Lord') in prayer."


"Ba‛al" can refer to any god and even to human officials;" It was these officials who ordered the killings we read about in the Old Testament. The true God commanded us not to kill.




We need to be aware that "the Lord" in scripture may not mean the Almighty. If anyone is upset by what they read in Leviticus and similar passages, then they need not be because the true God is a God of love.


On the basis that "the Lord" does not necessarily mean the Almighty, does anyone know how to differentiate between the Almighty and any other lord referred to in either the OT or the NT? Or is it just that if you agree with what he is commanding then he must be the Almighty?

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The were polytheist.


Don't you believe in Satan?


You know, an entity with powers apparently as strong and far-reaching as Yahweh. An entity who has the same ability to extract souls as Yahweh. An entity who has the ability to micromanage and meddle in the lives of 6 billion individuals on this planet - same as Yahweh. An entity who, if you listen to most preachers, has a great deal more success in luring converts than Yahweh.


I rekon that makes you a polytheist as well.



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Oh, and where's the verse that says "thy should wipe thine arse front to back, not back to front." That would have been fantastic advice. :hihi:


I have always (or for at least as long as I have given the subject any thought) presumed that some of the holy instructions are specifically health related.


For Jews and Muslims: not eating pork. These religions started in hot countries, and pork goes off quickly. (Although I concede that it doesn't stop hot areas such as modern Thailand, and Viet Nam managing to still eat pork - although that may be because of poverty, they simply could not afford to disregard any source of protein). We still have a concept of only eating Pork when there is an "R" in the month - at least we did until the universal availability of fridges and freezers.


For Jews: Not eating shellfish - risk of food poisoning, and again they go off quickly.


For Muslims: Washing before prayer, and they are praying 5 times a day. This strikes me as being a good public health message. (As an aside, is there any specific requirement for Jews and/or Christians to wash at certain times?).

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Don't you believe in Satan?


You know, an entity with powers apparently as strong and far-reaching as Yahweh. An entity who has the same ability to extract souls as Yahweh. An entity who has the ability to micromanage and meddle in the lives of 6 billion individuals on this planet - same as Yahweh. An entity who, if you listen to most preachers, has a great deal more success in luring converts than Yahweh.


I rekon that makes you a polytheist as well.




There are many gods but only one God.

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On the basis that "the Lord" does not necessarily mean the Almighty, does anyone know how to differentiate between the Almighty and any other lord referred to in either the OT or the NT? Or is it just that if you agree with what he is commanding then he must be the Almighty?


Ignoring the idols and false gods the Hebrews worshipped, the people of the Old Testament throughout paid tribute to and worshipped the eternal God who we can read about in both the Old and New Testaments. These few verses out of many, point to the one true God.


Psa 27:1 The LORD is my light and my salvation; I will fear no one. The LORD protects me from all danger; I will never be afraid.


Exd 15:2 The Lord is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation. He is my God, and I will praise him, my father's God, and I will exalt him.


2Sa 22:3 my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation. He is my stronghold, my refuge and my savior-- from violent men you save me.


Psa 40:16 But may all who search for you be filled with joy and gladness. May those who love your salvation repeatedly shout, "The LORD is great!"


Isa 12:3 With joy you will drink deeply from the fountain of salvation! In that wonderful day you will sing: "Thank the LORD! Praise his name! Tell the world what he has done. Oh, how mighty he is! Sing to the LORD, for he has done wonderful things. Make known his praise around the world.

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