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Are Christians discriminated against in the UK?

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That is how I feel myself personally, and I am told by friends that there are plenty of gays who are celibate as I am myself but that is because I am single. :)


Why do you not think homosexuals should have sex?

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However all this aggressive defence of homosexuality and the aggressive opposition to religion is a clear example of discrimination against religion in favour of homosexuality.


I think what you will find is an aggressive defence of 'homosexuals rights not to be discriminated against'.


A laudable thing do you not agree?


John X


In relation to homosexuality and the B&B story, any aggression (ie strong feelings) is not against religion, it is against bigots who DISCRIMINATE against homosexuals.


Why can you not see where the actual discrimination has been?


:nod: agrees with what JohnX said, and what Eater Sundae said.

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Which is fine.


What is not fine however, is to try to impose your personal views on anyone else.


It was you and others who took me down that road, possibly to make trouble for me. The only thing I was trying to show was that there is discrimination as everyone proved.

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It was you and others who took me down that road, possibly to make trouble for me. The only thing I was trying to show was that there is discrimination as everyone proved.


So, who was it, exactly who forced you to type homophobic and discriminatory comments? If you've tripped over your own feet, then it's you, and you alone to blame, surely?


If someone's standing behind you, and forcing you to put up such abhorrent comments, you need to get some help to get free.

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Their ministers lack of sex maybe leads to them all thinking along the lines of a pubescent boy.


I wouldn't be surprised if celibacy and lack of female company hasn't got a lot to do with it?


Personally I think people should be allowed to get married if that is what they want to do and although I'm not a Catholic I think priests should be allowed to marry and I cannot see what is wrong with women in the church either, I think balance is good. :)

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So, who was it, exactly who forced you to type homophobic and discriminatory comments? If you've tripped over your own feet, then it's you, and you alone to blame, surely?


If someone's standing behind you, and forcing you to put up such abhorrent comments, you need to get some help to get free.


As far as I can remember what I said was that there was discrimination away from religion and towards homosexuals as we can see in the B & B thread and this one also to name only two threads. In the event I was proved right.

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