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Are Christians discriminated against in the UK?

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I would not take a man to a B & B and ask for a double bed on the belief that it is wrong. On the basis of treating people the same as I expect to be treated, then I think the couple in the B & B acted wholly properly.

More non-sequitur.


Your belief doesn't come into it. The law of the land says that people should not be discriminated against on the grounds of their sexuality.


That you believe they acted properly in no way means they were not attempting to act illegally.

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The discrimination is from the atheists and homosexuals on the forum against religion.



Please cite examples of either.


Or, and break the habit of a lifetime, retract.

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I think I asked about 20 pages what persecution Grahame was talking about. It's turned in to discrimination, but the same question stands.


It appears that he thinks that disagreeing with, not believing, ridiculing or questioning are forms of discrimination. For the record, they aren't.

I don't discriminate against the religious, I treat all delusional people exactly the same. :D

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Your signature is an insult and discriminates against religion.


Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day.

Teach a man to fish and he'll eat for life.

Give a man religion and he'll starve praying for a fish!

Atheism is a severe allergy to nuts.

Then report it to the mods. If they tell me it violates the forum rules, I'll change it.


Whom does it insult? How does it discriminate against religion?


Do you even know what the word 'discriminate' means?

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Then report it to the mods. If they tell me it violates the forum rules, I'll change it.


Whom does it insult? How does it discriminate against religion?


Do you even know what the word 'discriminate' means?


I'm a "religious"-type person, and TBH, that comment in your sig-line just slightly amuses me, as it's a quite witty play on words. I don't find it offensive.


It's directed at no-one in particular, nor is it directed at any religion in particular.


It's a bit like the graffito that I was quite amused by, which was a jokey comment a few years ago, and went:-


"God is dead!" - Nietsche


"Nietsche is dead"- God.


it amused me, as thought had gone into it.

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The choice of not receiving the service they had booked, but instead paying double for something they didn't want simply because the business they were dealing with believes some bits of an ancient collection of myths but presumably not all of it (like keeping slaves etc.)?


Not a choice as it's commonly understood, is it?

Compare with the 'gift' of free will.


Sure, you have free will. Exercise it other than to follow orders and you spend eternity in hell. Like buying a horse from a certain Mr. Hobson.

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I'm a "religious"-type person, and TBH, that comment in your sig-line just slightly amuses me, as it's a quite witty play on words. I don't find it offensive.


It's directed at no-one in particular, nor is it directed at any religion in particular.


It's a bit like the graffito that I was quite amused by, which was a jokey comment a few years ago, and went:-


"God is dead!" - Nietsche


"Nietsche is dead"- God.


it amused me, as thought had gone into it.

Thank you for that.


...although it won't prevent me from reporting you to the RSPCA for annoying pigs!:P



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...but a good day for patients who require nursing instead of being preached at!


My best friend was once in Guy's hospital in London with a collapsed lung. He had a drain put in his chest which went to a receiving vessel on the floor. A nurse accidently put it on his bedside cabinet when she was moving something and the fluid in it then siphoned back into his lungs.


He woke up literally drowning in his own fluids and when the nurse was given a bollocking for what was a serious, life-threatening mistake, she claimed that if my friend had led a virtuous life, then 'god' would have stopped him from drowning.


And the Catholic nurses at the Royal Free Hospital in London would put women who were there for a termination on the same ward as those who were suffering fertility problems to 'teach them a lesson'.


I don't want people like this anywhere near me when I'm in hospital.


John X

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Then report it to the mods. If they tell me it violates the forum rules, I'll change it.


Whom does it insult? How does it discriminate against religion?


Do you even know what the word 'discriminate' means?


my bold:


..of course he knows what descrimination is, he's a christian, isn't he? :hihi:

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