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Are Christians discriminated against in the UK?

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My best friend was once in Guy's hospital in London with a collapsed lung. He had a drain put in his chest which went to a receiving vessel on the floor. A nurse accidently put it on his bedside cabinet when she was moving something and the fluid in it then siphoned back into his lungs.


He woke up literally drowning in his own fluids and when the nurse was given a bollocking for what was a serious, life-threatening mistake, she claimed that if my friend had led a virtuous life, then 'god' would have stopped him from drowning.


And the Catholic nurses at the Royal Free Hospital in London would put women who were there for a termination on the same ward as those who were suffering fertility problems to 'teach them a lesson'.


I don't want people like this anywhere near me when I'm in hospital.


John X


(Bold) that happened in the old Jessops, too, but i don't quite see how that "punished" the women having terminations... (not that they need punishment)


It's "cockeyed logic", IMO.


I would think it would be more likely to cause distress to the women with fertility problems, than the other way round.

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(Bold) that happened in the old Jessops, too, but i don't quite see how that "punished" the women having terminations... (not that they need punishment)


It's "cockeyed logic", IMO.


I would think it would be more likely to cause distress to the women with fertility problems, than the other way round.


Yes, that was my first thought when I read the post.

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but i don't quite see how that "punished" the women having terminations...


Filthy looks, muttering, pointing, avoiding communication, whispering to their relatives, making the words 'slut' and 'tart' just audible. etc.


Not everyone obviously, but enough to make them feel even more isolated and vulnerable than they already are after a tough decision and a painful operation. :(


John X

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Filthy looks, muttering, pointing, avoiding communication, whispering to their relatives, making the words 'slut' and 'tart' just audible. etc.


Not everyone obviously, but enough to make them feel even more isolated and vulnerable than they already are after a tough decision and a painful operation. :(


John X


As Plain Talker said, I'd have also thought that the impact on those in there for other reasons would also be increased.


A bad idea in the first place and with even worse unintended outcomes.


Judgemental people playing "god" with other peoples lives and emotions. Bl**dy annoying.

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As Plain Talker said, I'd have also thought that the impact on those in there for other reasons would also be increased.


Of course it would, but I'm sure that that little fact would not even cross the minds of those involved.


John X

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No-one's posted the news.





The bit I've put in bold yet again proves that what fundies like Mrs Chaplin ultimately object to is being treated the same as anyone else, that they think there should be discrimination - in favour of them - and that they really want to feel persecuted even if they have to manufacture the feeling in non-cases like this one.


She was told quite clearly why she couldn't wear the chain. I don't understand her protest.

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Filthy looks, muttering, pointing, avoiding communication, whispering to their relatives, making the words 'slut' and 'tart' just audible. etc.


Not everyone obviously, but enough to make them feel even more isolated and vulnerable than they already are after a tough decision and a painful operation. :(


John X


no, I'm talking about the distress caused to the other women, going through the pain of infertility, and striving to be treated, on the same ward as someone who is having a termination.


There may be mutterings of the sort that you suggest, from others who have no idea, nor understanding of why the woman may be having to undergo a termination.


But to my understanding, the distress would be greater on the part of the women undergoing the fertility treatment. (that's not saying that the woman terminating may not be traumatised)

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