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Are Christians discriminated against in the UK?

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;6121985']Because a large potion of the adult population does not believe in their existence. Herd mentality doesn't operate in such situations.


And obviously it does not operate either where religion is concerned judging by the number of people who were brought up to go to church but rejected religion around the age of fourteen or so.

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If you are going to be rude and insulting, deliberately so, then I'm not replying. It would also help if you read earlier threads and see how the atheists simply love to cherry pick from Deuteronomy and Leviticus. You need to get your facts right.

Hence my question; "How come you get to cherry pick the babble and atheists don't?"


You have a nerve calling anyone else rude. I'll continue to call it babble (...the wholely babble...) until anyone can illustrate that it is not.


Also, you not replying to points made will hardly be setting a precedent.


Something else you need to get right is that The Old Testament is for the Jews.

So why do you quote it so much, and cherish the 10 commandments so?


The New Testament is about Christianity and in view of the fact I have explained this before and due to your continued insults, and bearing in mind your intention to belittle Christianity I am putting you on my list of people to ignore.

Please stop trying to second guess my intention. Christianity needs no assistance from me. It's doing a fine job of belittling itself.


...and if you are going to ignore me completely instead of just not answering points made in my posts, how about addressing the OP for once? You'll have plenty of spare time.

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And obviously it does not operate either where religion is concerned judging by the number of people who were brought up to go to church but rejected religion around the age of fourteen or so.
You don't understand the concept of herd mentality if you believe that.
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Some interesting (and in some cases thought provoking) comments made here in an article by Dr Taj Hargey-


Christianity is under siege in this country.

Britain's national religion has never been so marginalised and derided, especially by the public institutions that should be defending it.


Indeed, it is surely an affront to the very concept of religious liberty, which was once regarded as a cornerstone of our democratic, respectful and tolerant nation.


I am Muslim. But even as a non-Christian, I can see all too clearly the shameful way in which Britain's national faith is being eroded. Indeed, banning a crucifix makes a mockery of our treasured right to religious freedom


But who appointed these quangocrats to pronounce on matters of religious doctrine? What right do they have to lecture a devout woman about her cherished beliefs?


As a Muslim, I am filled with despair at the attitude of our politically correct officials towards Christianity.

For me, all true religious faith, if practised with benevolence and humility, can only strengthen our society. To undermine religion is to undermine society itself.

It is no coincidence that as Christianity is repeatedly attacked, so the social fabric of Britain becomes increasingly frayed.


As we lose our strong moral compass, family breakdown and violent crime are at record levels, while our once famous sense of community spirit is evaporating.


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-1264399/What-Britain-come-takes-Muslim-like-defend-Christianity.html#ixzz0koSezzYS

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Some interesting (and in some cases thought provoking) comments made here in an article by Dr Taj Hargey-








But who appointed these quangocrats to pronounce on matters of religious doctrine? What right do they have to lecture a devout woman about her cherished beliefs?




Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-1264399/What-Britain-come-takes-Muslim-like-defend-Christianity.html#ixzz0koSezzYS


It seems Dr Taj Hargey was to polite to say pricisely who is behind it all.


Salt beef sandwich anyone??

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With reference to the bit in bold in that quote, I don't think anybody can say Mrs Chaplin has acted with 'humility'! She has acted with an assumption of entitlement to special treatment, that the rules shouldn't apply to her, and all over something that isn't even a religious requirement in the first place. Even moderate and reasonable Christians have agreed she's made a fuss about absolutely nothing.

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With reference to the bit in bold in that quote, I don't think anybody can say Mrs Chaplin has acted with 'humility'! She has acted with an assumption of entitlement to special treatment, that the rules shouldn't apply to her, and all over something that isn't even a religious requirement in the first place. Even moderate and reasonable Christians have agreed she's made a fuss about absolutely nothing.


Are all the various head dress's worn by Muslims a requirement of their religion?

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That was the man-made Levitical law. It clearly did not exist in David's day.



so, the laws that had clearly been given at the time of the Exodus , and before the days of the kings of Israel (of whom Daoud {David, PBUH} was one) happened after Daoud?


I recommend you go back to school.

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If you are going to be rude and insulting, deliberately so, then I'm not replying. It would also help if you read earlier threads and see how the atheists simply love to cherry pick from Deuteronomy and Leviticus. You need to get your facts right.


Something else you need to get right is that The Old Testament is for the Jews. The New Testament is about Christianity and in view of the fact I have explained this before and due to your continued insults, and bearing in mind your intention to belittle Christianity I am putting you on my list of people to ignore.


You clearly fail to understand the difference.


Some Christians cherry pick bits from the bible, to support and reinforce their own view.


When some atheists refer to the bible, it is not to cherry pick bits, it is to point out to those Christians the absurdity of cherry picking. Actually, its not the cherry picking itself which is questioned, it is the idea that the bible is definitive and can be used as an instruction book on how to behave.


The bible is man made. Some bits make sense and can be supported. Some bits do not, and should be discounted. The bible does not differentiate between these "good" and "bad" ideas, they are all offered up as "good". That's why lots of people chose to decide for themselves which behaviours are "good" and which are "bad", without the need to resort to the bible. As an instruction book, it is poor.

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You clearly fail to understand the difference.


Some Christians cherry pick bits from the bible, to support and reinforce their own view.


When some atheists refer to the bible, it is not to cherry pick bits, it is to point out to those Christians the absurdity of cherry picking. Actually, its not the cherry picking itself which is questioned, it is the idea that the bible is definitive and can be used as an instruction book on how to behave.


The bible is man made. Some bits make sense and can be supported. Some bits do not, and should be discounted. The bible does not differentiate between these "good" and "bad" ideas, they are all offered up as "good". That's why lots of people chose to decide for themselves which behaviours are "good" and which are "bad", without the need to resort to the bible. As an instruction book, it is poor.


All you need to do is to understand the Bible. See my next post to PT.

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