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Poor Postal Service in Nether Edge?

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In Brincliffe we sometimes go for days on end without post, even though we know for a fact that things have been sent first class to us and sometimes even recorded delivery.


i would be very interested if you would elaborate on this, by pm if you'd prefer, as i work in the S11 office? and i'm NOT a gaffer before anyone says it.

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I regularly have other peoples post put through my door, occasionally people who don't even live in my local area, and I live in the Nether Edge area... Last week I recieved a letter from social services stamped private and confidential to an address about 15 minutes away from my house - the name on the envelope was for the foster parent of a named child... A terribly private and possibly important letter, dropped a mile or so away from it's given recipient... Perhaps the bag was getting heavy and the postie wanted to shed a few letters? I have no idea - I delivered the letter myself...

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I regularly have other peoples post put through my door, occasionally people who don't even live in my local area, and I live in the Nether Edge area... Last week I recieved a letter from social services stamped private and confidential to an address about 15 minutes away from my house - the name on the envelope was for the foster parent of a named child... A terribly private and possibly important letter, dropped a mile or so away from it's given recipient... Perhaps the bag was getting heavy and the postie wanted to shed a few letters? I have no idea - I delivered the letter myself...


We're having this slightly more than usual as well, a couple of weeks ago I got several addresses' credit card bills (I recognised that they were card bills as they are the same card as I have and the envelopes are distinctive), I just put these back in the post box the next day.


I'm just concerned as up until recently my post service has been great, I had the same delivery person, who would recognise me in the street when we passed, knew that I worked at home so would be available for parcels/recorded delivery, and the service was just generally really good. What we are getting at the moment is shoddy. I am sure it isn't the fault of the individual delivery people, but currently it feels like a shockingly poor service.

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We're having this slightly more than usual as well, a couple of weeks ago I got several addresses' credit card bills (I recognised that they were card bills as they are the same card as I have and the envelopes are distinctive), I just put these back in the post box the next day.


I'm just concerned as up until recently my post service has been great, I had the same delivery person, who would recognise me in the street when we passed, knew that I worked at home so would be available for parcels/recorded delivery, and the service was just generally really good. What we are getting at the moment is shoddy. I am sure it isn't the fault of the individual delivery people, but currently it feels like a shockingly poor service.


It is the postman who posts the letters however - why post a letter through a door when you know that it's the wrong one? That just doesn't make sense...


The last two years I had the same postman more often than not, not seen him in more than a few weeks, but when I went to the delivery office to collect a parcel, he was in there at the desk... The post service are obviously moving people around and not for the benefit of the customer or end user...

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Thats how I know on the 11th of april all sunday night sorting stops at 7pm,this is a chat about the shoddy work all due to cost cutting and not the posties fault at all


Point taken,after today's WTL if the agreement goes ahead get ready public,RM will be a total shambles no matter how good your regular delivery person or mail centre worker is :mad:

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