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Smokers first but who's next?

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Smoking has effectively been demonised and now almost taboo and smokers social pariahs.


Who's next? Obviously drinkers would seem to be the next target but it also seems the overweight are a good target (probably because they can't go fast or far!) who's going to be demonised and cast out next? More to the point, where will it stop?

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They can think what they like about me smoking, it is a choice i make as an individual and they should think again as one day it will be their personal choice at stake.


If my smoking causes them to form a lump they can prove this in a court of law and proceed to seek compensation, till such a time as this happens i will continue to smoke as i like, and keep one of the last remaining profitable businesses going :)

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It will be alcohol or fuel next. If your not using the cleanest car and you even touch a drop of alcohol you will be up for a good social taboo.


I think alcohol should have greater limits than it does, but during a time of recession this will not happen unless there are adequate measures to keep the industry afloat.

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I said all along its the turn of the drinkers next.



The boozers are closing at a rate of knots and thats mainly down to the smoking ban, there`ll soon be too few pubs trying to cram too many drinkers into them and it`ll be a five mile walk to each pub so pub crawls will literally be crawls because people will be too tired to walk.


Ads on telly are screaming about how many units of alcohol are safe and that level goes down to fewer units each year and just about every TV programme involves criminals who are alcoholics or raiding off licences or raping ladies in nightclubs or slipping drugs into drinks... the list goes on.


The drinkers days are numbered, not many people can remember the days when there were streets lined with pubs and each pub was packed to the rafters with punters all having a pint before moving on to the next one, not many remember the culture that the pubs and clubs fostered- all theyre reminded of now are the closing time brawls and stabbings.

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Another smoking thread.



Come on we all know what as killed pubs off.


Supermarket and off license sales of beer will overtake the amount sold in pubs by as early as next year.


Cut price offers for beer from retailers, coupled with the recession is encouraging money conscious Britons to drink at home rather than down the pub.


The knock on effect of cheap alcohol available from supermarkets has been loss of sales at pubs, forcing in some cases, closures.

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That is because responsibility and accountability have long since fled our green pastures.


If people cannot take responsibility for actions that affect their decision making etc then they should not be drinking period.


There are those that can and do drink responsibly, and hats off to them, sadly however this is not the case at large.

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I think it's more than that. Seems strange but I recall lots of people getting absolutely stinking drunk and still there wasn't the trouble you get today. Lots of people get drunk and just want to sleep and puke and the other thing - without causing trouble.

You should know that from not long ago when certain people got drunk. There was no trouble - just a group of idiots making themselves look like idiots. But there was no violence; no vandalism; and no nastiness. So just getting drunk doing a pub crawl should not mean trouble for everyone.

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I think it's more than that. Seems strange but I recall lots of people getting absolutely stinking drunk and still there wasn't the trouble you get today. Lots of people get drunk and just want to sleep and puke and the other thing - without causing trouble.

You should know that from not long ago when certain people got drunk. There was no trouble - just a group of idiots making themselves look like idiots. But there was no violence; no vandalism; and no nastiness. So just getting drunk doing a pub crawl should not mean trouble for everyone.


This is quite true, hence you cannot tar all drinkers with the same brush, but it's the same debate as with video games, who is at higher risk of offending if exposed to them, or in this case drink.


It comes back down to accountability and responsibility, there are those of us that have a drink but reign it in to look after loved ones, or because they have some control over themselves......again sadly this is not always the case, i have also recently seen violence and family upheavel based upon alcohol and it's affects.

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