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Digital Economy Bill

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here's an interesting thing


French pirates 'dodge' tough laws


In late 2009, France adopted a "three-strikes law" which means persistent pirates can be thrown offline.


A small-scale study shows that some French people are changing their habits and getting pirated music and movies from sources not covered by the law.


Overall, found the study, illegal behaviour has increased by 3% since the law was passed.



my bold & underline

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anybody sent this to their MP yet ?


because if it passes in it's current form then anyone with WiFi becomes liable for anybody hacking into their network


but if you aren't concerned enough to write to your MP then don't expect any sympathy from me when OFCOM apply their technical measures to your internet connection because some thieving bugger hijacked your WiFi

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anybody sent this to their MP yet ?


because if it passes in it's current form then anyone with WiFi becomes liable for anybody hacking into their network


but if you aren't concerned enough to write to your MP then don't expect any sympathy from me when OFCOM apply their technical measures to your internet connection because some thieving bugger hijacked your WiFi


You might just as well write to the Tooth Fairy for all the difference it will make. If you get a reply at all it will just be a standard letter saying your MP is aware of your comments, but at the end of the day he will vote whatever way his party whips tell him to.


Do you still belive in Santa as well?

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You might just as well write to the Tooth Fairy for all the difference it will make. If you get a reply at all it will just be a standard letter saying your MP is aware of your comments, but at the end of the day he will vote whatever way his party whips tell him to.


Do you still belive in Santa as well?


I also believe that one day you'll make a constructive post

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if you tell them then you remove one excuse for their inaction which is that they didn't know


there's an election in the offing, if enough people tell a politician the same thing then they will become very interested in the potential votes that could be gained or lost


but don't write to your MP if you don't want, I don't care, my neighbours provide sufficient low hanging fruit for opportunist hackers, no doubt yours do to


but just in case OFCOM come knocking on your door one day because some little scr*te used your connection to download don't bother telling me because I'll simply point you back here


.... what's wrong with santa ? ..... is he ill ?

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consent of all parties isn't needed to get wash up stuff through, clegg's talking about having to persuade other parties that it should be given time for proper scrutiny but he's not sounding confident.


there was the small matter of a constitutional reform bill recently which produced a great debate on whether it should be guillotined at the committee stage, ie passed through without further ado because time is short. of course the matter of constitutional reform is rather an important one, and really really really requires full and proper scrutiny, which is why opposition members tried to prevent the guillotine.


it was guillotined.


good luck with the digitial economy bill eh.

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Could you outline how? If it is as you say then its a huge concern.


Every internet connection has a unique IP address which is tracable back the subscriber through their internet provider. Internet providers have to hand over your personal details when presented with a court order (which is not usually a problem for the media industries).


The problem with this is that an IP address can only be traced back as far as the subscriber's home address, and not the actual PC, Laptop or whatever.


If your name is on the broadband bill, and someone uses your connection to download copyright material, then under the new legislation, the blame automatically falls on you. The burden of proof is then on you to prove that you didn't download anything.

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thank you Agrajag


Could you outline how? If it is as you say then its a huge concern.


yes it is isn't it, that's why I'm jumping up and down trying to bring it to peoples attention, specifically my MP, nick clegg and david cameron's


this page shows the bills progress - http://services.parliament.uk/bills/2009-10/digitaleconomy.html


no debate has occurred yet, second reading is this coming tuesday


this is the current state of the bill - http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200910/cmbills/089/10089.i-iii.html


and the specific clauses that makes you liable for someone hacking your WiFi states, I've emphasised a few key words and phrases

124A Obligation to notify subscribers of copyright infringement reports


(1) This section applies if it appears to a copyright owner that

(a) a subscriber to an internet access service has infringed the owner’s copyright by means of the service; or

(b) a subscriber to an internet access service has allowed another person to use the service, and that other person has infringed the owner’s copyright by means of the service.




- they suspect but may not have any evidence


allowed another person to use the service


- how on earth do you keep someone out of your wifi, all it takes is time to break in and how do you prove you didn't give them permission, you may not even know, all you have are a bunch of threatening letters from OFCOM


you can appeal under section 124K (6) (b)

The subscriber took reasonable steps to prevent other persons infringing copyright by means of the internet access service


but appeals don't stop the innocent being punished in the first place


so some bugger parks their £50 Fiesta with the £5000 stereo in it outside your house, plugs their laptop into the cigarette lighter socket and fires up a few hacking tools, breaks in and downloads some bangin choons using your connection then drives off into the sunset and no matter what you did to stop this scr*te, you are the one OFCOM will be coming to

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