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Bullying in the workplace

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Is it ever acceptable?

I mean even if its a women bullying a man?


Its never acceptable, one place I used to work at was terrible for it, in fact one bullying episode was so bad the company ended up paying the victim off to the tune of about 15 grand.

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Bullying is never acceptable.

And if it's being done to you - keep a diary of all incidents.

Tell the person that you're doing this - and if possible send a copy to your union rep.

Each time they intimidate you, tell them that you think their attitude is not acceptable - and why.

Bullies are just g*ts in disguise - male or female.

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There is also different kinds of bullying, i suspect that women that bully possibly do it in a more subtle way. Men like to excert their power over people, women would possibly do it in a more subtle manner, just little comments, insinuations etc. I am aware that i am generalising but it is just my experience.


People in the workplace can make others lives a misery without even realising it just by their actions and work ethic, what about a colleague who doesn't pull their weight and thinks nothing to letting others take the strain, is that bullying? It certainly isn't fair.....

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