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Bullying in the workplace

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I don't think it's ever acceptable, no matter what the genders of the people involved. My husband was bullied by a female colleague in his first job and it made his life a misery. He took it up with HR and made a complaint. If you want more details, if you're having problems yourself, PM me :)

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Thanks for you replies but id like to add another question.

Does anyone hink its easier for women to get away with bullying than men?


Nope - it's totally obvious in both sexes - bullying is bullying afterall, and there are enough pathetic individuals of both sexes to bully as adults...

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  • 2 years later...

My partners brother is a victim of some workplace bullying it seems; he's a middle manager at a phone company, and the other week the company had a big meeting down in London. While there they did some team building/group bonding (:roll:) by playing some golf. Amongst the people in his group was his direct manager and the actual head of the whole company no less.


During this golf session the head of the company did nothing but take the mick out him over the fact he's a northener from Sheffield; he took it in good humour at first but after about 4 hours it got a bit much, but he did well to bite his tongue and not rise to the bait.


Later on in the evening after the meeting/conference, whatever, there was a doo, everyone was having a good time socialising, drinking etc, and the head of the company was chatting with him along with everyone else just fine as if that golf session earlier had never happened; then, at a certain point, my partners brother aproached the head of the company who had been taking the mick out of him relentlessly earlier, stood next to him, placed his hand on his shoulder as you do(?) and in a jovial manner said, "see, I'm not bad after all am I?, you shouldn't judge a book by the cover", or something like that.


The next day he found out that this didn't go down too well and the head of the company complained about him to his manager, and apparently this "incident" has given my partners brother a bad reputation amongst the top people of the company!


He's really concerned now about his future at the company.

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