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Is society losing patience towards people on benefits?

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Here's a bit of fun for the general election. When David Cameron comes to Sheffield to campaign shout out "hey Dave, what do you think about spongers, scroungers and the work shy"? At this point stand well back for your own safety. Dave will get a mad stare in his eyes and he will start to foam at the mouth. "I'll tell you what I think of them...." he will say. Prepare for a 15 minute hate filled rant.


Just think of Dave as a sort of clockwork toy. Just wind him up and watch him go.:hihi::hihi:


So you reckon Gordon supports them?

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Well I gave the analogy of locking your pet dog and your wife in the boot of your car for 2 hours. After 2 hours, you unlock the boot and let them out (the dog and wife), only one of the those locked in the boot will be happy to see you, the other will be stark raving mad (the wife).


Labour Supporters, often the hardest working and the lowest paid are getting sick to the back teeth of being taxed. Yet, no matter how badly New Labour treats their own supporters, they will always vote Labour. Again, if you wrestled your dog + your wife to the floor, and sat on their faces and farted, the dog would forgive you time and time again.


Labour no longer represent the working classes, they support the political elite, people who are out of touch. Working class people do not see this.


Labour will win the next election because of the following groups of people


1) Mass imigration - migrants who take advantage of the benefits system

2) Workshy (yes me) - people who enjoy being better off not working, and there are 10 million of us, not 2 million

3) The political elitle

4) People in public sector roles - a mass army who would lose their jobs should the Conservatives be elected.


So that leaves the people in proper job,s and there not many of those left.

The sad thing is he is utterly correct. Labour just have to do enough to stay in, they have bought the votes already. The only thing is there are about 8 million economically inactive people not 10 million but that would be enough. Also the civil service is approximately the size as the population of sheffield, those two alone should swing it for them.


There is one fly in the ointment though.


At the moment income tax doesn't cover welfare. This scenario can only go on for so long. Its only a matter of time before the right rises again. There could be something like a civil war between the workers and the workshy, the working class and the underclass and politically correct.

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Labour have the votes in the bag already, thats a fact. The workers (the ones who actually contribute) are emigrating en masse, and in their place coming the other way are the pond life from other countrys who have no intention of doing anything apart from sponge from the remaining taxpayers.


The growing army of welfare claimants, realise that going out to work and paying taxes is like cutting their own throats, and in many cases, going to work could cost them their homes.


Public Sector - they would be mad to vote out Labour.


I personally do not work as I can't afford to, I have 3 women in 3 homes each with a sprog each, I pay nothing to pay for these homes, I get chance to play in the park with the kids, I get a different home to sleep in and I get spending money for the pub.


You think I'm gonna vote tory? mate of mine who is a painter n decorator, is still reeling from his self assessment back in Jan, and is on the edge of packing it in and choosing a life without taxes and stupid working hours, and who can blame him


He works his ass off, and when he gets older, he will have to sell his home to pay for care, when he dies he will get taxed again. He is choosing handouts and holidays in the med, and who can blame him?

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The sad thing is he is utterly correct. Labour just have to do enough to stay in, they have bought the votes already. The only thing is there are about 8 million economically inactive people not 10 million but that would be enough. Also the civil service is approximately the size as the population of sheffield, those two alone should swing it for them.


There is one fly in the ointment though.


At the moment income tax doesn't cover welfare. This scenario can only go on for so long. Its only a matter of time before the right rises again. There could be something like a civil war between the workers and the workshy, the working class and the underclass and politically correct.




Problem solved - increase the taxes ?


the workers will accept it, because in their minds they are "doing it for self respect and not for handouts" :loopy: idiots

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Which is the party most likely to sort out people like benefitsboy? They've got my vote. I'm currently out of work and he's doing my head in.




Probably tory, but can't see many people voting for them myself, as I have said in previous posts, Labour have created the people most likely to vote for them.


Give it another 5 years of labour, and more workers will up sticks and clear off

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Probably tory, but can't see many people voting for them myself, as I have said in previous posts, Labour have created the people most likely to vote for them.


Give it another 5 years of labour, and more workers will up sticks and clear off


Well I'm not voting for those tossers anyhow - either of them.

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