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Is society losing patience towards people on benefits?

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There are always jobs for people to do, just not nice jobs that people want to do.


At the moment, its too easy to just claim benefits because you can't be arsed. That needs to change.


If you know that within 6 months you'll be put onto a job you won't like then you might get up and put more effort into looking for a job.


It wouldnt happen, all those unhappy with the job just do it very slow or turn out to work very late until they get sack and back to benefits, Not hard to work out is it

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Ah I see, in that case lets close down 90% of all UK businesses. That'll be a cracking way to improve things.


Maybe the guy that sold a mobile phone sold it to a person who works for an IT company. With this mobile phone, the person can react to problems more swiftly. The IT company designs systems to improve business workflow and procedures. A consulting company uses that new and improved business workflow to help a charity perform better when sent to disaster zones. Because of this improved organisation 1000 Haitians are alive today that might not otherwise have been.


aaah, the old 'no honestly we do help people' excuses.


did i say 'close down the economy' ? nope.


i said 'get real and acknowledge that you're no better than the next person'


pretending that mobile phones are more essential to someone than food is a bit... well, it says it all really.

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There are always jobs for people to do, just not nice jobs that people want to do.


At the moment, its too easy to just claim benefits because you can't be arsed. That needs to change.


If you know that within 6 months you'll be put onto a job you won't like then you might get up and put more effort into looking for a job.


Ya talk rubbish.


Bloke been doing hard labour for 40 years, shifting blooming great big ingots from one part of a yard to another - never needed any qualifications for it and did the job well (hard not to really). His company goes under and he's on the dole for 6 months plus - what job you going to give him, and what right do you have to call him a chav scrounger or any other such term? :rant:

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aaah, the old 'no honestly we do help people' excuses.


did i say 'close down the economy' ? nope.


i said 'get real and acknowledge that you're no better than the next person'


pretending that mobile phones are more essential to someone than food is a bit... well, it says it all really.


Not everyone can work in the food industry... ?


I work in IT, and the system I work on indirectly reduces anti social behaviour by helping local authorities manage complaints better. I guess because I don't dedicate my career to hunting for wells in Sudan that my work is pointless?

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Ya talk rubbish.


Bloke been doing hard labour for 40 years, shifting blooming great big ingots from one part of a yard to another - never needed any qualifications for it and did the job well (hard not to really). His company goes under and he's on the dole for 6 months plus - what job you going to give him, and what right do you have to call him a chav scrounger or any other such term? :rant:


I left school with no qualifications. I was completely unskilled but I've never been out of work for more than 2 weeks in 10 years.


I don't see why I should be taxed because people don't put the effort into finding work.

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I left school with no qualifications. I was completely unskilled but I've never been out of work for more than 2 weeks in 10 years.


I don't see why I should be taxed because people don't put the effort into finding work.


10 years? Is that all you've worked? Sheesh! And don't think that gives you the right to tar everyone with the same brush.


There are those who don't want work. Until you can find a way of saying for certain that someone does not want to work then you are just going to end up putting everyone in the same crap position.

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"I don't see why I should be taxed because people don't put the effort into finding work"


i don't see why I should be taxed to shoot Iraqis or torture pakistanis or line the pockets of GE Capital or furnish submarines with trident missile systems.


That's your opinion but personally I'm glad to know that my money is helping to keep our country safe.

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lol forgot to quote - fao Paul2412


sorry, where did i say everyone should work in the food industry?


your work 'indirectly reduces' anti-social behaviour. vry nice. so a small, unquantifiable contribution to society that costs... um... more, or less than 1000 wells in Sudan?


You're missing my point I think, I'm not criticising the fact your work is a cheap excuse to get paid for mucking about. Go for it.


Just stop pretending it's morally better than being on the dole. You've found a nice little easy street niche, why beat up on others for finding theirs?

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