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Is society losing patience towards people on benefits?

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"I don't see why I should be taxed because people don't put the effort into finding work"


i don't see why I should be taxed to shoot Iraqis or torture pakistanis or line the pockets of GE Capital or furnish submarines with trident missile systems.


Jack your job in then.

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That's your opinion but personally I'm glad to know that my money is helping to keep our country safe.


Safe from what? When was the last time anyone attacked the UK? And when was the last time we used nuclear weapons to fight off an attack? Blooming terrorists aren't going to be deterred by nuclear weapons are they?


Waste of too much money. And our soldiers are fighting countless wars in countries that have nothing to do with us and do not want anything to do with us.

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10 years? Is that all you've worked? Sheesh! And don't think that gives you the right to tar everyone with the same brush.


There are those who don't want work. Until you can find a way of saying for certain that someone does not want to work then you are just going to end up putting everyone in the same crap position.


I could have worked longer, but admittedly there aren't many jobs around when you are either in junior school or in your mothers womb.


You just have to look at the case.


CASE 1 - Guy worked for 30 years in an unskilled job, the company went bust and he's now on benefits.


CASE 2 - Chav dropped out of school, immediately starts claiming JSA while still living at home. Turns up each day to collect his dole money with an attitude problem and has turned down several jobs (if you turn down a job, you should be made to give clear reasons).


It's not rocket science to ascertain which one needs genuine support and which one can have his benefits withdrawn.

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I could have worked longer, but admittedly there aren't many jobs around when you are either in junior school or in your mothers womb.


You just have to look at the case.


CASE 1 - Guy worked for 30 years in an unskilled job, the company went bust and he's now on benefits.


CASE 2 - Chav dropped out of school, immediately starts claiming JSA while still living at home. Turns up each day to collect his dole money with an attitude problem and has turned down several jobs (if you turn down a job, you should be made to give clear reasons).


It's not rocket science to ascertain which one needs genuine support and which one can have his benefits withdrawn.


Which is great if you are going to differentiate, but your posts do not state this. Your posts suggest you believe that anyone who has been unemployed for 6 months or more is a scrounger who does not want to work.


I know there are some people who have never worked and do not want to work. There is a difference between these and someone who cannot find a suitable job.

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"Jack your job in then" Sorry shane i don't really get the logic there? I have written to HMRC asking for a percentage back, but they made no reply. Odd.


Or are you suggesting I get this portion back by going on the dole? Right on!


The point is, those of us who do pay taxes tolerate all kinds of nasty goings on that beggar belief. For me, the scroungers are small fry compared to the sytemic evil engendered on behalf of our charming governments.

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"Jack your job in then" Sorry shane i don't really get the logic there? I have written to HMRC asking for a percentage back, but they made no reply. Odd.


Should we let all the planned terrorist attacks go ahead then instead of using your percentage to carry on foiling them?

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There should be a simple way to deal with it:


Benefits should be there for people who have just lost their job and need financial help while looking for another job or for people who cannot work due to illness or disability.


It should not be for kids to scrounge. How is it allowed that someone who lives at home and has never worked can claim benefits?


I clearly made the definition.

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Should we let all the planned terrorist attacks go ahead then instead of using your percentage to carry on foiling them?


Do you really believe all the propaganda about foiled terrorist attacks? :loopy:


The fact there hasn't been one since 2005 pretty much proves that there aren't any terrorists and the whole thing's been exaggerated so the government can bring in more laws to snoop on us!

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