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Is society losing patience towards people on benefits?

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What about the guy who tried to blow up Glasgow airport?

What about the guys who tried to blow up several airplanes over the Atlantic?

What about the guy who tried to blow up the plane in Detroit?

What about the idiots claiming benefits but yet wanting to declare Jihad on the same country?


Should we let them get on with it?


This could get way off topic...


Even if all the above actually happened the way the media said they did, they were probably all the work of lone nutters rather than a co-ordinated extremist group.


Don't believe everything you read.


And yes, it is off topic so let's get back to benefit scroungers!

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No they don't.


Why should I (and you) pay for some arsehole's beer and fag money each weekend so he can create havoc on the streets?


Ah so now everyone who is on the dole is a beer drinking fag smoking havoc causing waste of space now. Thanks for enlightening us all. :loopy:

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No they don't.


Why should I (and you) pay for some arsehole's beer and fag money each weekend so he can create havoc on the streets?


because society (you, me, everyone just about) helped destroy their future by insisting money we took for playing with computers, or cooking overpriced crap in posh restaurants would be better spent on chocolate and snazzy mobile phones for us, rather than investing it in education and welfare to help the kid didn't leave school with zero hope of ever getting a better job than packing pork pies for the next fifty years.


We should pay because we're lucky enough to have had the opportunities to make money. Opportunities provided by our society, in part provided to us by denying opportunities to others.

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Oh fivetide, putting 2 and 2 together does not 5 make.


Regime change in Iraq has come about after decades of intervention in the region, interventions that have blurred the whys and wherefors we might like to use to formulate clean moral dichotomies. Moralising on regime change in Afghanistan struggles with similar historical problems.


It is not that i want the money in my pocket, rather i would prefer to see my tax pound spent building long lasting and respectful relationships rather than self-serving temporal modulations.


The innocent civilians you suggest I might like to see left to rot, have been righteously put out of their misery in humanitarian interventions that have, according to iraqbodycount.org, already cost 100,000 lives. Bravo for our brave boys.


you seem to have mistaken your heartfelt concern for suffering Iraqs and Afghanis with the military intervention in these countries. A naive oversight.

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Ah so now everyone who is on the dole is a beer drinking fag smoking havoc causing waste of space now. Thanks for enlightening us all. :loopy:


Once again, I was referring to the school dropout claiming JSA while still living at home and has repeatedly turned down work. Are you not following the conversation?


Why should you be able to claim benefits when you live at home with no responsibilities?

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because society (you, me, everyone just about) helped destroy their future by insisting money we took for playing with computers, or cooking overpriced crap in posh restaurants would be better spent on chocolate and snazzy mobile phones for us, rather than investing it in education and welfare to help the kid didn't leave school with zero hope of ever getting a better job than packing pork pies for the next fifty years.


We should pay because we're lucky enough to have had the opportunities to make money. Opportunities provided by our society, in part provided to us by denying opportunities to others.


Making money has absolutely nothing to do with luck, unless you won the lottery?

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Once again, I was referring to the school dropout claiming JSA while still living at home and has repeatedly turned down work. Are you not following the conversation?


Why should you be able to claim benefits when you live at home with no responsibilities?


Yes - I am being pedantic. But whilst doing so I am attempting to keep your views clear enough for others to see.


You differentiate between someone who has worked and show a willingness to work and those who just want to sit around on their behinds all day until the pubs open.


If someone comes in on page five and you are posting "All people who are on the dole for more than 6 months are scroungers etc" then they may get the wrong impression ;)

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DofA, i meant to offer back up, not hammer the point home.


I know. Like I said - I agree with you.


And as for terrorists - no-one has explained to me how spending billions on nuclear weapons is supposed to deter them. If some idiot decides to become a suicide bomber and kill hundreds of people through those actions - us having nuclear weapons is not going to stop them.

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