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Is society losing patience towards people on benefits?

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Yes - I am being pedantic. But whilst doing so I am attempting to keep your views clear enough for others to see.


You differentiate between someone who has worked and show a willingness to work and those who just want to sit around on their behinds all day until the pubs open.


If someone comes in on page five and you are posting "All people who are on the dole for more than 6 months are scroungers etc" then they may get the wrong impression ;)


I can see where you're coming from...!


So are we in agreement about the fictional drop out scrounger shouldn't be entitled to receive benefits?

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Oh fivetide, putting 2 and 2 together does not 5 make.


Regime change in Iraq has come about after decades of intervention in the region, interventions that have blurred the whys and wherefors we might like to use to formulate clean moral dichotomies. Moralising on regime change in Afghanistan struggles with similar historical problems.


So what, we stand by and wring our hands some more? Oh no it's too complicated so we'll ignore it.


It is not that i want the money in my pocket, rather i would prefer to see my tax pound spent building long lasting and respectful relationships rather than self-serving temporal modulations.


Wouldn't we all like to see everyone talking nicely to each other. But sometimes talk's no good is it? Ask Chamberlain.


The innocent civilians you suggest I might like to see left to rot, have been righteously put out of their misery in humanitarian interventions that have, according to iraqbodycount.org, already cost 100,000 lives. Bravo for our brave boys.


You don't blame the regime for provoking military intervention, or for it's slaughter of at least as many civilians in the 'peace'.


I didn't say you wanted the civilians to rot, just that you think it's better to let them die than to intervene.


you seem to have mistaken your heartfelt concern for suffering Iraqs and Afghanis with the military intervention in these countries. A naive oversight.


you seem to have mistaken some sort of utopian fluffybunny idealism for the real world. /meow


Just because you think the reasons they gave for the war were rubbish (we all do) it doesn't mean doing it was wrong.


Would you say our intervention in the Balkans was as immoral?

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I know. Like I said - I agree with you.


And as for terrorists - no-one has explained to me how spending billions on nuclear weapons is supposed to deter them. If some idiot decides to become a suicide bomber and kill hundreds of people through those actions - us having nuclear weapons is not going to stop them.


I suppose we don't just have to protect ourselves from terrorists....

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Making money has absolutely nothing to do with luck, unless you won the lottery?


Oh ok. So if you'd been born in Eritrea you'd have had as easy a life then would you?


Or if you'd been born into a wealthy family, that's some sort of divine destiny; you deserve it for some unknown good deeds in a past life?


To make money you need to get other peope to give you money. It doesn't matter how hard you work, if they don't have the money to pay you then you ain't making money.

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I suppose we don't just have to protect ourselves from terrorists....


So who are our nuclear weapons protecting us from? In our multicultural society which stupid nation would plan anything that would suggest we be mad enough to actually use nuclear weapons?


A few billion pounds on a pointless weapon seems like one hell of a waste of money to me.

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I can see where you're coming from...!


So are we in agreement about the fictional drop out scrounger shouldn't be entitled to receive benefits?


I would like to agree with you, but I could not condone the stopping of benefits even then. What are we supposed to do? Let these people starve? Or worse still - go out and commit crimes and then become another burden in our overcrowded prisons?


There seems no easy answer - but I do not believe that forced make believe labour is a way forward.

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So who are our nuclear weapons protecting us from? In our multicultural society which stupid nation would plan anything that would suggest we be mad enough to actually use nuclear weapons?


A few billion pounds on a pointless weapon seems like one hell of a waste of money to me.


What does multiculturalism have to do with it? I suspect at the mo' there may be lots of states wishing they had nukes and we didn't...

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I dont really care, i have a job and im doing my own thing. There are lots of reasons why some people dont have jobs. Who am i to say who should and who shouldnt work?


Your taxes pay towards those who don't, so that's why you should have a say.

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Oh ok. So if you'd been born in Eritrea you'd have had as easy a life then would you?


Or if you'd been born into a wealthy family, that's some sort of divine destiny; you deserve it for some unknown good deeds in a past life?


To make money you need to get other peope to give you money. It doesn't matter how hard you work, if they don't have the money to pay you then you ain't making money.


There are certain exceptions, although I'm not sure where the connection between Eritrea and the long term unemployed claiming benefits comes from.


You stated that we should pay for them because we were lucky enough to make money. I don't see how millions of people being able to get a job is purely down to luck, whereas the kid who doesn't get up until 3pm to drink cider and throw rocks at an elderly neighbours house hasn't had that same opportunity.

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What does multiculturalism have to do with it? I suspect at the mo' there may be lots of states wishing they had nukes and we didn't...


Care to enlighten us as to the reason why they would wish this - given your amazing reasoning powers? We do not need a nuclear deterant.

I am sure that there have been hundreds of cases in the past 20 years when we have said - "Do as we say or we will launch nukes" or "Don't threaten us or we will nuke you".


And this is way off topic so perhaps would be better as another topic.

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