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Obesity in Britain

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What Im trying to get at, is that there will always be anger from people toward others who are getting treatment on the NHS.


Lots of people feel anger towards "greedy fatties" getting millions spent on fat-loss treatment.


Some non-smokers likewise, over the treatment/operations, etc that smokers get.


Then theres the people who are addicted to drugs and/or alcohol.

These get treatment, etc from the NHS, also at a cost, obviously.


People have been arguing the case for years and years.

WHY should this person get this treatment? It's THEIR fault they're

fat/got lung cancer/emphysemia/cirrosis of the liver/schizophrenia etc,etc,etc,etc,etc


We can argue till were blue in the face, but nothing changes.

We DO have to live with it. We can't change anything.

anorexics, obesity, smoking, self harming, they all need medical treatment, which costs money, its catch 22, like you say , we can argue till we are blue in the face, its just fact.

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Unless we all begin to live in sterile glass tubes being fed via a drip, we're always going to have lifestyle induced health issues. We all pay a bit into the treasury's coffers though whenever we buy a packet of cigs or pint of ale, which ultimately contibutes to the NHS.


I see what you're getting at though GothicCharm - there are higher demands put on the health service by other lifestyle health problems than smoking.

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I feel sorry for large people and find it funny how we bleep racism but dont have the same morals for large people. Pathetic!


I don't think people should be rude to anyone, and being rude about fat people is quite childish, yes. I am amazed that you continue to still compare that to racism, though. It is nothing like racism because nobody can change the colour of their skin, they are born with it. Almost all people who are fat are fat through choice, they eat more calories than they burn. I also think that you make light of the issue by calling fat or obese people 'large people'. Rugby players are large people, but they don't need medical attention.


I believe these people should get help from the NHS, that's what it is there for and we also have to treat smokers, of course we do.

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that'll teach you to make assumptions won't it


But people make assumptions all the time! :roll:


I have been the recipient of a prescription for Xenecal tablets. :o

(Diet pills to all who don't know.)


I didn't sit in a chair watching daytime tv and gorging myself on pies and chips and cakes all day, then go and ask the doctor to make me better.


After being on the contraceptive pill on and off for 10 years, and thrombosis running in my family, and after advice from my nurse, I decided to have the contraceptive implant inserted. In the space of almost 7 months, I put on over 4 stone. It had nothing to do with what I ate. I have always eaten quite a healthy, balanced diet, so it was an awful realisation that I was gaining weight so rapidly and could do nothing about it.

I had to be monitored for a while before I had the implant taken out, as the doctors were reluctant to do so, but, given that I had put on weight since having the implant put in, they took it out.

I did get a prescription for the Xenecal tablets....(prescription paid for, we don't get benefits) but I absolutely hated the tablets, so didn't get any more.


Agreed, a lot of people getting treatment for weight-loss on the NHS are overweight because of an unhealthy lifestyle, but the two dont always go hand in hand.


But......you only have to look at the market for slimming aids and pills that people buy over-the-counter. Business is booming! Millions are spent on slimming aids, and supplements and weight-loss classes.


Many over-weight people are PREPARED to help themselves and PAY for their own remedies. A lot of overweight people rely on the NHS for expensive treatment as a last resort, or are OFFERED treatment by their doctor.


Not many people are going to refuse help for fear of offending anyone.

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But people make assumptions all the time! :roll:


I have been the recipient of a prescription for Xenecal tablets. :o

(Diet pills to all who don't know.)


I didn't sit in a chair watching daytime tv and gorging myself on pies and chips and cakes all day, then go and ask the doctor to make me better.


After being on the contraceptive pill on and off for 10 years, and thrombosis running in my family, and after advice from my nurse, I decided to have the contraceptive implant inserted. In the space of almost 7 months, I put on over 4 stone. It had nothing to do with what I ate. I have always eaten quite a healthy, balanced diet, so it was an awful realisation that I was gaining weight so rapidly and could do nothing about it.

I had to be monitored for a while before I had the implant taken out, as the doctors were reluctant to do so, but, given that I had put on weight since having the implant put in, they took it out.

I did get a prescription for the Xenecal tablets....(prescription paid for, we don't get benefits) but I absolutely hated the tablets, so didn't get any more.


Agreed, a lot of people getting treatment for weight-loss on the NHS are overweight because of an unhealthy lifestyle, but the two dont always go hand in hand.


But......you only have to look at the market for slimming aids and pills that people buy over-the-counter. Business is booming! Millions are spent on slimming aids, and supplements and weight-loss classes.


Many over-weight people are PREPARED to help themselves and PAY for their own remedies. A lot of overweight people rely on the NHS for expensive treatment as a last resort, or are OFFERED treatment by their doctor.


Not many people are going to refuse help for fear of offending anyone.


was all of that aimed at me cause ive made no assumptions in this thread nor did i ever say all fat people are fat cause of their own fault..


I was also not having a go at anyone on slimming tablets, I can relate to weight gain on contraceptives too as im on the implant

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was all of that aimed at me cause ive made no assumptions in this thread nor did i ever say all fat people are fat cause of their own fault..


I was also not having a go at anyone on slimming tablets, I can relate to weight gain on contraceptives too as im on the implant


No, it wasn't aimed at you what-so-ever.

I was just quoting what you said, that people shouldn't just make assumptions.


Sorry that you thought I was having a go.:)

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