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Michigan-based militant group indicted for 'waging war' on US gov't

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I didn't insult the war veterans at all, neither I talked about every single one of them. I was talking about the psycho paths which go on a shooting spree killing innocent, apparently their military experience in Iraq and Afghanistan played a vital role in it.


Here's the latest development:


FBI Agent Discovered at Center of Alleged Hutaree Conspiracy


Now what say you.


One has only to look at the photos of these members of the Michigan militia to see at a glance what they are. Cro Magnon, low IQ trailer park white trash. They're aboiut as "Christian" as I am emperor of China


They uttered threats, stupid enough to post them on the internet and were accordingly arrested. That would happen to anyone posting such threats


The real terrorist threat to the US is from Al Qaeda not from these idots.

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The real terrorist threat to the US is from Al Qaeda not from these idots.

not purely, and is dangerous to think just those.


timothy mcvay and the myriad of school shooters such as the columbine shooters show theres plenty of homegrown nutters to watch

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not purely, and is dangerous to think just those.


timothy mcvay and the myriad of school shooters such as the columbine shooters show theres plenty of homegrown nutters to watch


The incidents you mention above were isolated incidents and they will continue to happen in a country of 300 million people. This can be said also of other large highly populated countries such as the recent bombings on the Moscow subway and dont forget the London bombings of 7/7 and the IRA back in the 70s and 80s. Every country has it's share of nutters.


Militia groups such as the Michigan group have been around for many years in addition to the KKK and the White Aryan Resistence. They generally spend their time running around the backwoods, dressed in military camouflage playing soldiers but the saving grace is that that for the most part they're a bunch of brainless twerps and kept under surveillance by either the local authorities or the FBI


If there is another attack against the US which I pray there will not be it will be more than likely the work of Al Qaeda

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The incidents you mention above were isolated incidents and they will continue to happen in a country of 300 million people.


That's very true and perspective is important but there are more in that one group of Hutaree than were involved in 9/11. Don't underestimate the capability for small numbers of people to do untold horror just because they are in your back yard and have US passports (or not since most citizens don't possess them)


That said, these people are very visible so what on earth have the authorities been doing all these years in allowing these dangerous oddballs to run around the woods with automatic weapons training for their rapture / alien visitation / second coming / black power takeover / etc.


Any other civilised nation would have outlawed such ridiculous behaviour years ago.

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That's very true and perspective is important but there are more in that one group of Hutaree than were involved in 9/11. Don't underestimate the capability for small numbers of people to do untold horror just because they are in your back yard and have US passports (or not since most citizens don't possess them)


That said, these people are very visible so what on earth have the authorities been doing all these years in allowing these dangerous oddballs to run around the woods with automatic weapons training for their rapture / alien visitation / second coming / black power takeover / etc.

Any other civilised nation would have outlawed such ridiculous behaviour years ago.


It's all about the First and Second Constitutional amendments and the way democracy is perceived in the United States as opposed to what is perceived as denocracy in other western democratic nations.


The 1st and 2nd amendments guarantee first) the right to free speech and expression and second) the right of all law abiding citizens to bear arms.


As long as these militia groups do not pose a threat (in that they do not post threats on the internet or utter verbal threats against the government or other institutuions) and the individual has no criminal record then they have the right to dress up and play soldiers in the woods. The guns they use are not fully automatic military assault weapons. The ones I've seen are the AR15 which is modeled on the M -16 but unlike the M -16 is not fully automatic.

Some states have outlawed the sale of the AR-15 even, others not, but outlawing certain kinds of weapons falls under individual states's rights.


Anyway as far as the rules of democracy apply to the United States you cannot go around arresting every person who wants to run around in the wilds playing soldier boy if these people have commited no criminal offence.


Many leaders and members of extremist groups who have commtted criminal offences are serving long hard time in Federal prisons and in fact the great majority of white prisoners doing time fall under this category as well as gang members and drug dealers.


The American system of democracy isn't perfect but then again what system is. I prefer a society such as this to a society that outlaws gun ownership amongst law abiding citizens yet turns a blind eye to the criminal element owning firearms which is what the situation is in Europe .

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the revolution will not be televised...


nothing to do with christianity, its to do with people being armed and not bowing down to some crackpot government..


the government dont want that, the guns will eventually go in the US but they cant get rid of them instantly because there would be a civil war. Slowly slowly catch a monkey


and when the guns have gone, its easy to control people

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the revolution will not be televised...


nothing to do with christianity, its to do with people being armed and not bowing down to some crackpot government..


the government dont want that, the guns will eventually go in the US but they cant get rid of them instantly because there would be a civil war. Slowly slowly catch a monkey


and when the guns have gone, its easy to control people


Not a chance unless people like Hitler and Stalin get in. Those two were very much for gun control

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Hmm, that's a little melodramatic. ;)


The UK's Bill of Rights also allowed citizens to bear arms until just after WW1 when it was realised that all those weapons in private hands could cause problems, like they do in the US. All that happened was that citizens had to ask for permission to have one. Even now we still have the right to possess weapons.


Harleyman, as a Yorkshireman you know the system in the UK and it works fine. As generations have moved on it's accepted and we have minuscule gun crime and accidents. It's a shame that the USA ignored the opportunity to do the same in the past.


Imagine the States with a proper attitude to guns. They could do it if they wanted to. They could eliminate all those deaths and accidents. They just don't want to because they are frightened for no good reason, but the UK experience says it is pretty straight forward.

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