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Aggressive Car Horns.

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yoy are not allowed to use your car horn from 2300 untill 0800 its the law.


Perhaps somebody should inform taxi drivers then.:cool:


Driving whilst using a hand held mobile is illegal. Sadly, people still do it...

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how do you get rid of them, without being horrible,:P


My way of getting rid of them was to write to the local Kingdom Hall and telling them that I expressly forbid them from walking on my land. This conveniently means that they cannot get to my door :)

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As for the car horns being too aggressive, I think that shocking is their purpose and so they're just fine. What isn't fine is the people who forget what they were actually intended for, like those who use the horn as an alternative to parking the car and going to knock on the door for instance.


In the event that I need my attention to be drawn very quickly to something to avoid a hazard I really hope that the person trying to do this doesn't play Greensleeves or Vivaldi's Four Seasons at me instead of making me jump with a standard car horn.

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Reversing warnings on lorrys!



Instead of that beep beep beep or the voice warning you that `This vehicle is reversing` why dont they have a loud clear voice yelling "BUM!" every two seconds?


It`d make life easier for everyone!

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My neighbour's friends are annoying, they are too lazy to walk a couple of feet to the door and instead beep their car horn.


I've beeped at people who are on their mobile phone whilst driving before, including a woman who nearly drove into me coming out of a side street without looking because she had her mobile phone to her ear.

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I'd love one that sounds like those on trains "Beee baaaaaaw"


Or one of those like they have on the big liners.

Nothing fancy.


My parents live close to a train line; in the daytime the passing trains used to play a little tune with their horn as they went past, I think someone told me it was because the driver knew somebody who lived nearby, but I don't know if this was true?

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My parents live close to a train line; in the daytime the passing trains used to play a little tune with their horn as they went past, I think someone told me it was because the driver knew somebody who lived nearby, but I don't know if this was true?


You have to spoil all my fun don't ya. :(


Next you'll be telling me the foghorns on ships play an overture or blooming swan lake.

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