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Yet another "one rule for them"

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Think people are still waiting for someone to come up with a good reason why someone should not act in the manner the Police Officer did when someone comes up to them in an aggressive manner with a raised voice invading their personal space with no good reason, with a unitentifiable object in their hand during a potential riot situation


I've already done so. The violence was an inappropriate response to verbal abuse, particularly the second attack with the stick. Is violent retaliation your standard response to verbal abuse from a woman ?


If the policeman thought for a single moment the woman had an offensive weapon in her hand the correct response would have been to disarm her - not belt her and leave it at that. What did he think she had hold of...a grenade...a pistol ? Even if he thought it was just a rock he should have taken it off her to prevent her using it.


In my view that policeman lost control and reacted emotionally to the situation. His training is supposed to equip him to deal with that kind of situation without losing his temper, which he clearly did.

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He was a riot cop in full gear, armed with a bloody baton. Have you any evidence that the woman he assaulted had been abusive to him or do you just think it's Ok to use gratuitous violence?


Oohhh halibut you boring fish! stop moaning.

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the vast majority of police officers act with integrity and in the true spirit of public service, often under extremely trying circumstances. A few make it their mission to 'make the most of the power' and abuse that power to violent or immoral ends. Delroy Smellie lashed out at a small woman, not because he feared for his safety, but because he was determined to 'show these scruffy hippies who's the boss', to attempt to suggest otherwise is naive at best, and stupidly ignorant at worst. He has today laughed in the face of truth, honour and justice.


the officer did anything but 'lash out'

the judge even pointed out he had several seconds to decide the appropiate action and there did nto panic or lash out


She pointed out that Sgt Smellie had deliberately bent his knees to hit Ms Fisher on her legs, causing a "transient flesh wound".

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I've already done so. The violence was an inappropriate response to verbal abuse, particularly the second attack with the stick. Is violent retaliation your standard response to verbal abuse from a woman ?


If the policeman thought for a single moment the woman had an offensive weapon in her hand the correct response would have been to disarm her - not belt her and leave it at that. What did he think she had hold of...a grenade...a pistol ? Even if he thought it was just a rock he should have taken it off her to prevent her using it.


In my view that policeman lost control and reacted emotionally to the situation. His training is supposed to equip him to deal with that kind of situation without losing his temper, which he clearly did.


which he clearly didnt!!!

the policeman was in complete control of his actions and acted as per his training

he did not lose his temper

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How would you feel If a copper assaulted your sister/daughter/Mum/girlfriend just for protesting about something?


1 he did not assault anyone

2 he didnt strike her for protesting, he did it in self-defence and because of her aggressive threatening behviour

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which he clearly didnt!!!

the policeman was in complete control of his actions and acted as per his training

he did not lose his temper


which actually makes it worse, he acted calculatedly and in cold blood, he deliberately set out to hurt the woman. simple. bully.

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How would you feel If a copper assaulted your sister/daughter/Mum/girlfriend just for protesting about something?


On a serious note m8 i wouldnt be happy.


I've looked at the video many times and find the womens attitude horrible.

Shes agressive, shouting, swearing, ect. Even when he warns her to stay back she carries it on.

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1 he did not assault anyone


Yes, he did.


2 he didnt strike her for protesting, he did it in self-defence and because of her aggressive threatening behviour


What is the difference you imagine between assaulting and striking?

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On a serious note m8 i wouldnt be happy.


I've looked at the video many times and find the womens attitude horrible.

Shes agressive, shouting, swearing, ect. Even when he warns her to stay back she carries it on.


but its STILL not self defence, you can be arrested for all those attributes.......but not beaten, thats wrong

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