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Yet another "one rule for them"

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On a serious note m8 i wouldnt be happy.


I've looked at the video many times and find the womens attitude horrible.

Shes agressive, shouting, swearing, ect. Even when he warns her to stay back she carries it on.


What is she shouting and swearing? Is she threatening the officer?

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which actually makes it worse, he acted calculatedly and in cold blood, he deliberately set out to hurt the woman. simple. bully.


so he should have made a rash decision? thats not how the police are trained


they are trained to assess situations as fast as possible and act,


he acted in self-defence

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He was a riot cop in full gear, armed with a bloody baton. Have you any evidence that the woman he assaulted had been abusive to him or do you just think it's Ok to use gratuitous violence?
Over emotive sentence construction, desiged to elicit the answer you want, Halibut. You're getting more and more like an hysterical maiden aunt. :o It's a sad indictment of the times that the police have to wear full riot gear to police a 'peaceful' protest.


You just know I'm going to say YES to the first question, don't you? To the second question you surely realise from my previous comment that I don't believe that the officer's action constituted gratuitous violence. Gratuitous violence would have been him breaking both her legs. They are trained in the use of riot batons you know. Which is why she was only bruised. Added to which I saw her being interviewed on the telly afterwards. I wasn't impressed. In the grand scheme of things, the police officer is of more use to society than she is.


Maybe we should have the army overseeing these protests. And leave the police to get on with their proper job. :)

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so he should have made a rash decision? thats not how the police are trained


they are trained to assess situations as fast as possible and act,


he acted in self-defence


no matter how you look at it.....being shouted at IS NOT a matter for self defence, if he thought she'd been a public order offender then he shouldve arrested her, or called in the snatch squad

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What is she shouting and swearing? Is she threatening the officer?


Well if someone was shouting and swearing, plus getting agressive with me, i'd be on my guard just incase they attacked me.


She did act like a complete fool, you must admit that.

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Maybe we should have the army overseeing these protests. And leave the police to get on with their proper job. :)


Yeah, then you'd be able to say 'they were asking for it' when people get killed.

You have a seriously dodgy attitude.

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Yes, he did.




What is the difference you imagine between assaulting and striking?


no he didnt, he was cleared of common assault


using force is legal as long as it is reasonable and in this situation, it was


the judge said "The prosecution has failed in this respect and the defendant has raised the issue of lawful self-defence and as such is entitled to be acquitted


basically, this video (and other evidence) is not enough to prove that the Police Officer was acting in any other way but than in self-defence


why do you think otherwise?

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Well if someone was shouting and swearing, plus getting agressive with me, i'd be on my guard just incase they attacked me.

being edgy and on yer guard is different tho from hitting them


She did act like a complete fool, you must admit that.

as has already been said...more emotional than a fool, has anybody actually been in a riot situation? i have a few times, its scary, emotional, highly charged and the adrenalin floods your body

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being edgy and on yer guard is different tho from hitting them



as has already been said...more emotional than a fool, has anybody actually been in a riot situation? i have a few times, its scary, emotional, highly charged and the adrenalin floods your body


Maybe the police officer was suffering the same when he struck the angry women.

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