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Yet another "one rule for them"

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Dam hippy!


If she wasn't playing up to the rest of the unwashed she wouldn't have got on the wrong side of the law


I found this interesting


"Ms Fisher, who did not give evidence at the trial because she feared her lifestyle may be raised by the defence"


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a few poll tax demos in sheff got heated occasionly, got kicked by a copper on one

there was the irish march once near the markets when the bnp / nf attacked it


there was a demo past a neo nazi pub (in i think manchester) that got heated and i almost got arrested



So the answer to both questions you were asked is no and no right?

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Demo's like this bring out every nutter and loony from mile's around. Most are just interested in having a go at the coppers. Pity they have nothing better to do,


Very well said.

Watching the footage, it was obvious that the crowd was getting nasty and out of control. Any genuine and law abiding person would have turned on their heel and got out of there smartish.. The fact that this stupid woman continued in her aggressive manner despite being warned by the Police Officer to 'get back' speaks volumes - as does her involvement with Max Clifford.

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Heavy handed cop at the G20 is cleared of assault.




Has this come as a surprise to anyone?


He should never have been accused in the first place.


One in the eye for the scrounging dossers who just like to turn up at any sort of protest just to get a cup of soup from the soup kitchen.


Give the police bigger batons ! :D

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Very well said.

Any genuine and law abiding person would have turned on their heel and got out of there smartish..


you CANT get out of those sitations, the whole police strategy is to confine it in the smallest area they can and stop people escaping and stop people joining

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