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Yet another "one rule for them"

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She deserved more- threatening a Police Officer who does she think she is


Maybe she thinks she's a citizen and the filths job is to protect her peaceful right to protest?


She didn't assault him, from the video she's clearly not capable of assaulting him in any threateneing way and he was in no danger from her, but he still gave her a smack with the asp.


I'd hope nbody on the forum thinks it's ok to give a wife a light clip if she gets lippy, so given that we accept domestic violence is wrong why do we think it's fine for a big copper to belt a woman because she gives him a bit of lip?

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Maybe she thinks she's a citizen and the filths job is to protect her peaceful right to protest? She didn't assault him, from the video she's clearly not capable of assaulting him in any threateneing way and he was in no danger from her, but he still gave her a smack with the asp.


I'd hope nbody on the forum thinks it's ok to give a wife a light clip if she gets lippy, so given that we accept domestic violence is wrong why do we think it's fine for a big copper to belt a woman because she gives him a bit of lip?

Your analogy is totally wrong, and sexist. If she'd been a little bloke, would you be using the same terminogy, And a bit lippy? To your other half? Excuse me, don't be so silly. Those days are long gone, or they should be. And she'd be looking to a big hefty copper to read you your rights if you did. Anyone who refers to the police service as 'the filth' clearly shows what sort of person they are. So we don't need to take much cognizance of your opinion.


This is an officer of the law, being disobeyed by someone in the throes of a self righteous tantrum. She was out of order, she was assaulting him by screeching in his face. He'd have been far better to arrest her and give her a criminal record. Instead, he made a split second decision to see her off, and this is the result. Instead of thanking her lucky stars and skulking off, she's blazoned herself all over the media, and, iirc, associated herself with scum of the earth publicist and money grubber Max Clifford? :huh:


What's her name, btw? I know the officer's name, but I can't recall hers. Obviously Max hasn't done a very good job for her :D

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Your analogy is totally wrong, and sexist. If she'd been a little bloke, would you be using the same terminogy, And a bit lippy? To your other half? Excuse me, don't be so silly. Those days are long gone, or they should be. And she'd be looking to a big hefty copper to read you your rights if you did. Anyone who refers to the police service as 'the filth' clearly shows what sort of person they are. So we don't need to take much cognizance of your opinion.


This is an officer of the law, being disobeyed by someone in the throes of a self righteous tantrum. She was out of order, she was assaulting him by screeching in his face. He'd have been far better to arrest her and give her a criminal record. Instead, he made a split second decision to see her off, and this is the result. Instead of thanking her lucky stars and skulking off, she's blazoned herself all over the media, and, iirc, associated herself with scum of the earth publicist and money grubber Max Clifford? :huh:


What's her name, btw? I know the officer's name, but I can't recall hers. Obviously Max hasn't done a very good job for her :D


Well where you see an "officer of the law" i see a pig beating a woman who posed no threat to him. If you're claiming to be a feminist then defending a 6 foot strapping bloke beating a woman who had not even threatened physical violence to him as not just ok but desirable just because he wears a certain jacket then your feminist credentials are sketchy to say the least.


The pig was in no danger, he chose to lash out at the girl and the criminal justice system has protected him from facing the consequences of his actions.


Not a great result but an utterly unsurprising one.


If "screeching in the face" is now assault then surely your post qualifies as screeching in my face, am I ok the start working your legs over with an asp or might you think that was a bit of an overreaction?

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If you hold anything in an offensive manor then your going to get jumped on in the thick of it. The protester now are not what they were, with technology so cheap to record the moment and the media's interest in anything spectacular they now get 'in your face' and more upfront with their gesturing.

Getting a controversial shot or clip can give you the publicity for your cause on a global scale now with media companies world wide lapping it up.


A police officer has to just do the job at hand and cannot worry too much on how it might look, make one mistake like get a camera in the face and they could drop and the line go and a stampede ensue right over them. I know how it looked but anyone of us as a police officer on that line would have done the same with the noise, adrenalin and attention having to be everywhere at once, it is common sense to take out any threat in front of you no matter how small.


If people waving cameras don't get seen as a threat in this instance then the next protest will have people with bricks wrapped in silver foil. Even if she had a banana and was waving it about she should have been taken out :D

Gave us lot something to talk about anyhow :P

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Well where you see an "officer of the law" i see a pig beating a woman who posed no threat to him. If you're claiming to be a feminist then defending a 6 foot strapping bloke beating a woman who had not even threatened physical violence to him as not just ok but desirable just because he wears a certain jacket then your feminist credentials are sketchy to say the least.


The pig was in no danger, he chose to lash out at the girl and the criminal justice system has protected him from facing the consequences of his actions.


Not a great result but an utterly unsurprising one.


If "screeching in the face" is now assault then surely your post qualifies as screeching in my face, am I ok the start working your legs over with an asp or might you think that was a bit of an overreaction?

If I knew you in real life, I'd tell you you're an idiot spouting absolute rubbish, but that would be rude to a total stranger. So I won't. I can't be bothered to unpick the numerous fallacies in your comment, esp at this time in the morning, so I'm not even going to try.
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