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Yet another "one rule for them"

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He was a riot cop in full gear, armed with a bloody baton.

No he wasn't.

Have you any evidence that the woman he assaulted had been abusive to him or do you just think it's Ok to use gratuitous violence?

Yes she was. The violence wasn't gratuitous.


Halibut has formed his opinion without even seeing the footage. What a turn up!

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No he wasn't.


Yes she was. The violence wasn't gratuitous.


Halibut has formed his opinion without even seeing the footage. What a turn up!


Please don't go knocking people off their high horse, it's a long way down.


Edit: Got to add; don't let mere facts get in the way ;)

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Don't get me wrong, I think some police are good people but looking at this objectively; everything was peaceful until that copper hit that coloured man. Anyone notice that? It was after that when the protesters started making a fuss - it's clear that the police were provoking trouble and in the wrong.


The woman with the camera who got hit with a baton, what was that about? It was partly because the police don't like having their picture taken - yet look around our streets and there are cameras all over the place! There should not be one 'law' for the public and another for the police. Especially when it involves assault, and that woman did not assault the policeman but he clearly assaulted her. He's nothing but a bully hitting someone like that and for what reason? Because she was rightfully objecting to police behaviour.


I have been to demonstrations myself and have seen with my own eyes police provoking otherwise peaceful protesters. Don't we see a dangerous tread forming here? In the US bully police have murdered people using Tazers, even when they have committed no crime whatsoever. I hope that does not happen in the UK but it could get as bad as that if the police cannot control themselves.


The law is the same for everyone, you are allowed to use reasonable force in self defence

He did not assault her

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Maybe she thinks she's a citizen and the filths job is to protect her peaceful right to protest?


She didn't assault him, from the video she's clearly not capable of assaulting him in any threateneing way and he was in no danger from her, but he still gave her a smack with the asp.


I'd hope nbody on the forum thinks it's ok to give a wife a light clip if she gets lippy, so given that we accept domestic violence is wrong why do we think it's fine for a big copper to belt a woman because she gives him a bit of lip?


The Police are there to ensure everyone's safety

She was being threatening and aggressive, invading his personal space with an object in her hand that could be used as a weapon

Me neither, I also hope people dont condone threatening police officers

Sexual discrimination is not right and it should not be a party to this incident

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Well where you see an "officer of the law" i see a pig beating a woman who posed no threat to him. If you're claiming to be a feminist then defending a 6 foot strapping bloke beating a woman who had not even threatened physical violence to him as not just ok but desirable just because he wears a certain jacket then your feminist credentials are sketchy to say the least.


The pig was in no danger, he chose to lash out at the girl and the criminal justice system has protected him from facing the consequences of his actions.


Not a great result but an utterly unsurprising one.


If "screeching in the face" is now assault then surely your post qualifies as screeching in my face, am I ok the start working your legs over with an asp or might you think that was a bit of an overreaction?


bit of a contradiction, you can't lash out if you think first

that's what it's there for, to protect people from unjust accusations and to punish those who deserve it

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The baton should only be used as a last resort.


First of all he should have maced her until she was incompacitated then given her a good shooing.


The Baton should be treated in the same way as the guirka knife, were if you remove it from the sheath, you have to spill blood before resheathing it.


he was unable to use CS gas in this instance

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you said there was one law for one, one for another

the law of self defence is the same for everyone


you said he assaulted her

he didnt


Simple question scooby..is this the way you want our police to behave? Will you feel the same if you're the next?

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Simple question scooby..is this the way you want our police to behave? Will you feel the same if you're the next?


yes, i want them to be able to protect themselves

yes, if i harass, threaten and become aggressive to a Police Officer in a potential riot situation i will feel the same

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