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Yet another "one rule for them"

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There are numerous "hippie comunes" in Britain

There are people who like dressing up as Roundheads and Cavaliers, it doesn't mean we're still having a Civil War. The hippy movement died. It's had an influence on modern society, i will grant you that, but you still can't label everyone at the G20 protests under the banner.


There were all sorts of people protesting, so much so that it became impossible to send 1 solid single message. There were anti-capitalists, environmental campaigners, anarchists, anti-war campaigners. All these are "lentil munchers", to quote your glorious wit?

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There are people who like dressing up as Roundheads and Cavaliers, it doesn't mean we're still having a Civil War. The hippy movement died. It's had an influence on modern society, i will grant you that, but you still can't label everyone at the G20 protests under the banner.


There were all sorts of people protesting, so much so that it became impossible to send 1 solid single message. There were anti-capitalists, environmental campaigners, anarchists, anti-war campaigners. All these are "lentil munchers", to quote your glorious wit?


There you go again :nono:

Where do you get off mis quoting people?


Where have I called anyone "lentil munchers" ?


And you tell me to "grow up" :roll:

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Well if you think contrary opinions to yours are very silly why don't you close the thread ?


The verdict was that the the judge believed sergeant Smellie's version of events rather than what we see on the video clip and his pretty lame excuse of a potential attack with a drinks carton.


I'm sure a jury trial would have arrived at a different verdict.


And if he was cleared by a jury you lot still wouldn't be satisfied, you would then want a retrial no doubt.

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What I find so bizarre is that people (meaning the general public) were practically creaming themselves over DCI Gene Hunt's coppering style (in Life on Mars, Ashes to Ashes) and everyone was reminiscing fondly about when the police were the Force rather than a limp branch of Social Services. The days when the bobby just gave you a clip around the ear and sent you home squealing to your mum was vaunted as a much more desirable course of action than ASBOS and cautions.


And yet when they see an officer putting assertive policing into action with a well judged blow at someone's buttocks, he's a woman beater and some sort of aggressive animal. :confused:

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What I find so bizarre is that people (meaning the general public) were practically creaming themselves over DCI Gene Hunt's coppering style (in Life on Mars, Ashes to Ashes) and everyone was reminiscing fondly about when the police were the Force rather than a limp branch of Social Services. The days when the bobby just gave you a clip around the ear and sent you home squealing to your mum was vaunted as a much more desirable course of action than ASBOS and cautions.


And yet when they see an officer putting assertive policing into action with a well judged blow at someone's buttocks, he's a woman beater and some sort of aggressive animal. :confused:


One is a fictional representation, the other is real life. See the difference?


Also a clip round the ear from a "bobby" is a bit different to a blow from an extendable metal baton.


Ian Tomlinson's case is taking a while to get to court isn't it?

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One is a fictional representation, the other is real life. See the difference? Also a clip round the ear from a "bobby" is a bit different to a blow from an extendable metal baton.
We can argue about this till the cows come home, no-one's going to change their minds, are they? Have you ever had a clip around the ear? Probably not.


I really couldn't care less about this stupid person, 35 years old and rioting in the streets like a student and inconveniencing everyone else trying to go about their lawful business.


She went running to Max Clifford and sold herself to the media, presented herself as some demure little Laura Ashley type rather than the termagant she behaved like on the day and didn't even have the courage to turn up and give evidence in court.


I guess I'm from a rather more robust era than most of you arguing the toss on here. I think she got off lightly and should probably have been in court herself, instead she got a bruised thigh. Seems like a good deal to me. Let's hope she learned a lesson from it *shrugs*


If you want to 'peacefully protest' or hold a vigil or whatever she was supposed to be doing, do it peacefully. If you want to get into a ruck, be honest about it, and don't go bleating to all and sundry when it doesn't go your way. Dare I say 'simples' :D

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