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Yet another "one rule for them"

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because she constantly approached a police officer in a manner he deemed to be threatening


aggression and violence are two different things


she was being aggressive as were plenty of others protesters and even though the clip is short you can see other people being told to get back and they did, this woman didnt and paid the price for being aggressive towards a policeman


I agree with this post.

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I would have thought the appropriate action for the officer to have taken is to have arrested the lady for disorderly conduct, not whack her with his silly stick.

All hell would have broken out if he have done that in that atmosphere. The officer did the best thing that he could in the circumstances.

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are you pro-aggressive protests/aggressive behaviour towards police officers?


I saw nothing aggressive..just a bit of shouting...I'm all for non-violent demonstration..doesn't mean I agree with what people are demonstrating about but at the moment it's something we can all do....

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She was not acting in a threatening manner. As has been discussed on another thread, it is whether a reasonable person would have felt under threat, whether she was acting threateningly isn't strictly relevant. However you made the claim that she was, so please show me where she was acting threateningly.


In point of fact, even that is irrelevant here, because the reason he got off was because the prosecution failed to respond to the defence of self-defence - in other circumstances people like you would be crying "they got off on a technicality, what a stupid justice system we have"


Also, the police do not have any extra self defence rights than any other citizen, so you are plain wrong there.


yes she was,


17 secs

20 secs

26 secs

29 secs


please explain what you mean by people like me?

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I saw nothing aggressive..just a bit of shouting...I'm all for non-violent demonstration..doesn't mean I agree with what people are demonstrating about but at the moment it's something we can all do....


Coppers didn't mind bashing us during the miners strike so we didn't mind em getting some back.

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So you are saying that police officers should not use the appropriate action in any given situation just in case it upsets the people around them? Have you actually heard what you're saying? :roll:


Upsetting the people around them could lead to a full scale riot.


Again, she approached (after already told to move back) in an aggressive manner holding objects. Got exactly what she deserved.


She then went crying to the media so she could earn a few £££ but refuses to comment on the actual case.


Typical generic protester. She'll be at Heathrow next week tied to a tree and then probably appear on Sky News with allegations that her hearing was damaged by aircraft taking off.

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