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Do such groups actually help combat racism?

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If god created us, he created us in different varieties. If we are a product of nature, nature created us in different varieties. Be it through intelligent design or years of evolution we are different races, cultures and colours. We've only been a global community for about fifty years, I think it's very unfair to go labelling groups as racist or backwards for having natural fears. Humans and animals aren't meant to mix with other tribes\groups if we were we wouldn't survive as a species. We're getting there but don't expect it to be a natural thing. All this forcing will only make things worse.

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sad but true - and again, true of all communities.


it's funny how people idealise an imagined paradise in the past when someithng they don't like is happening in the present.


one day, hopefully people will realise that 'the good old days' also included untold amounts of domestic violence, kids dying of measles, back street abortionists and extreme working class poverty. progress is almost always a good thing.


Human nature.


It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to heaven, we were all going direct the other way - in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.

Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities

English novelist (1812 - 1870)

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If god created us, he created us in different varieties. If we are a product of nature, nature created us in different varieties. Be it through intelligent design or years of evolution we are different races, cultures and colours. We've only been a global community for about fifty years, I think it's very unfair to go labelling groups as racist or backwards for having natural fears. Humans and animals aren't meant to mix with other tribes\groups if we were we wouldn't survive as a species. We're getting there but don't expect it to be a natural thing. All this forcing will only make things worse.


whose forcing anything? i'm just saying that any initiative that creates the oppotunity to help things is a good thing, and should be applauded, not damned.


and it's not like different ethnic groups are comparable to different species - that's just plain wrong. or would you stop your black cat from shagging a ginger tom?


who has 'forced' anything on you personally? no-one, that's who.


the only thing people are scared of is change - to imply that racism is natural is pretty unpleasant.

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whose forcing anything? i'm just saying that any initiative that creates the oppotunity to help things is a good thing, and should be applauded, not damned.


and it's not like different ethnic groups are comparable to different species - that's just plain wrong. or would you stop your black cat from shagging a ginger tom?


who has 'forced' anything on you personally? no-one, that's who.


the only thing people are scared of is change - to imply that racism is natural is pretty unpleasant.


I don't remember quoting you but you seem to have taken it personally.


Racism is just the natural fear of the unknown that comes with self preservation. Do you think it would have been in the interest of humans 100,000 years ago to want to mix with every human they met?


You misunderstand the species link. The fact is they are different, the first thing any creature needs to do to survive is fear the unknown. Otherwise we just wouldn't be here.


To imply that racism is just a modern day phenomena is naive. Try using the word tribalism rather than racism and it will make sense.

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to have cultural cohesion everybody should be treated the same, basically if i had a football team full of transgender black people i may qualify for a £2000 grant, but if you dared to predominantly have white heterosexual people in your team you qualify for nothing, surely this is discrimination??

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to have cultural cohesion everybody should be treated the same, basically if i had a football team full of transgender black people i may qualify for a £2000 grant, but if you dared to predominantly have white heterosexual people in your team you qualify for nothing, surely this is discrimination??


Exactly. It's forced integration. Proves my point even more really, if it takes a couple of grand to make people integrate then integration isn't a natural thing. How many people need to be paid to segregate? Most will do it for free. Even the holy books have taught us to segregate ourselves for years. Is it any wonder we're struggling with the concept so much?


People will only migrate to cultures they have things in common with.

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I don't remember quoting you but you seem to have taken it personally.


Racism is just the natural fear of the unknown that comes with self preservation. Do you think it would have been in the interest of humans 100,000 years ago to want to mix with every human they met?


You misunderstand the species link. The fact is they are different, the first thing any creature needs to do to survive is fear the unknown. Otherwise we just wouldn't be here.


To imply that racism is just a modern day phenomena is naive. Try using the word tribalism rather than racism and it will make sense.


i'm fully aware of the nature of the argument you are trying to use - it's very popular amongst the right wing political parties.*


i've never said that racism is a new thing. but your argument is rot. we might have had insular behaviour for thousands of years, but we still intergrated - the genetic make up of pretty much all human beings prove that - so unless you are a creationist, then your argument is rot.


the same line of thought could be applied to any phsical difference - would you discourage people mixing with 'gingers' - they are genetically different to brown haired people as well, and at some point in history, were probably from a specific geographical area.


to write off racist separatism as a natural and acceptable behaviour my using 'tribalism' as an excuse is again, unpleasant - or would you say that that football violence is acceptable, under the same guise? or extreme regionalism? should we not 'mix' with scottish people?


even if you cling on to you selective truths about our ancient behaviours and survival instincts, the argument is still rot. we have overcome our fears of most dangers, we fly around in aeroplanes, and we mostly earn our livings working in sedentary jobs rather than hunting wild boar and picking berries.


if you would prefer that, then i suggest you go and spend a few days in the wolderness, then tell me of you prefer our more cerebral modern existence.

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i'm fully aware of the nature of the argument you are trying to use - it's very popular amongst the right wing political parties.*


i've never said that racism is a new thing. but your argument is rot. we might have had insular behaviour for thousands of years, but we still intergrated - the genetic make up of pretty much all human beings prove that - so unless you are a creationist, then your argument is rot.


the same line of thought could be applied to any phsical difference - would you discourage people mixing with 'gingers' - they are genetically different to brown haired people as well, and at some point in history, were probably from a specific geographical area.


to write off racist separatism as a natural and acceptable behaviour my using 'tribalism' as an excuse is again, unpleasant - or would you say that that football violence is acceptable, under the same guise? or extreme regionalism? should we not 'mix' with scottish people?


even if you cling on to you selective truths about our ancient behaviours and survival instincts, the argument is still rot. we have overcome our fears of most dangers, we fly around in aeroplanes, and we mostly earn our livings working in sedentary jobs rather than hunting wild boar and picking berries.


if you would prefer that, then i suggest you go and spend a few days in the wolderness, then tell me of you prefer our more cerebral modern existence.


There's an incredible difference between progression and natural instincts which are inherent in all creatures but you're turning this into an argument about me as a person and trying to insinuate that I'm a racist. With regards to you the chat stops there.

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to have cultural cohesion everybody should be treated the same, basically if i had a football team full of transgender black people i may qualify for a £2000 grant, but if you dared to predominantly have white heterosexual people in your team you qualify for nothing, surely this is discrimination??


no one is forcing anybody to have a team full of trans-gender players - if you happened to have a team full of white, heterosexual players, who would stop you? but why on earth would a group set up to try and help end discrimination give you money?


most teams will be pretty much completely white, which is statistically likely, since, regardless of what you think, most people in the country, and even more so in yorkshire, and even more so in sheffield, are white.

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There's an incredible difference between progression and natural instincts which are inherent in all creatures but you're turning this into an argument about me as a person and trying to insinuate that I'm a racist. With regards to you the chat stops there.


you quite clearly stated several times, that you feel that it is natural for us to keep 'the races' separate, and to instinctively avoid non white people. what else do you think racism is?


but if you don't want to expose yourself to the opposite opinion any more, then that is fine by me, i certainly wont be any worse off.


for the record, i know nothing about you, and have done nothing but counter the arguments you have put forward. hey ho.

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