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Christians lay down the law

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“Cast not away therefore our confidence, which hath great recompense of reward. For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise.” (Hebrews 10:35, 36)


Hitler [christian] said he was doing the will of God.

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Somehow I just don't think Tony Blair was consulting the Bible when he decided to take us to war with Iraq.

He was acting as a Prime Minister, not a religious figure.

Not that I agree with him, or the pope, I'm just stating you can't go judging the entire religion over some toss pot that accepts low standards of "accurate" intelligence.


George Bush (Christian) also said he was doing God's work when he took the USA into Iraq.

What any of this has to do with Irish laws is beyond me though.

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But Blair was a Christian and leader of this country. The Pope is the leading Christian on the planet.


Blair forgot about 'thou shall not kill' and so did the Pope when he accepted Blair into his religion.

If Blair went to the pope after he did his warmongering, where's the public outrage from Roman Catholics? It just goes to show how brainwashed people are.


Both men forgot about Christian principles and ideology when they got to the top of their profession. Neither of them are Christians in the true sense. In my view- both men are businessmen .
I agree and it's plain to see.
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Hitler [christian] said he was doing the will of God.


Hitler was nominally a catholic but let it lapse early in his youth. Your continuous statements that his policy of extermination of the Jews on religious "Christian" grounds is pure rubbish. He tossed quite a few catholic clergy into concentration camps for opposing his regime. The policy to rid Europe of the Jews was for other reasons.


Also as far as Iraq is concerned 85 perecent of the slaughter in that country has been the result of the Sunni and Shiite idiots warring against each other


Get your facts right

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Hitler was nominally a catholic but let it lapse early in his youth. Your continuous statements that his policy of extermination of the Jews on religious "Christian" grounds is pure rubbish. He tossed quite a few catholic clergy into concentration camps for opposing his regime. The policy to rid Europe of the Jews was for other reasons.


Also as far as Iraq is concerned 85 perecent of the slaughter in that country has been the result of the Sunni and Shiite idiots warring against each other.



I never mentioned jews, stop exaggerating. I said Hitler was a Christian, Blair


is a Christian, Ratzinger is a Christian. It is Christians that are causing death


and destruction on the planet.


Added to that, it was a Christian country that started the first world war.


I dont care what Muslims are doing to each other in foreign countries.


Now you tell me, what happened to 'thou shall not kill'?

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It died. Sadly.


That is why christianity [small c] is fading all over Europe.


Thousands off christians are in the armed forces volunteering to kill, anywhere


'warmongering' governments tell them to go.

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“Cast not away therefore our confidence, which hath great recompense of reward. For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise.” (Hebrews 10:35, 36)




These claimed to be doing the will of god.





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