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Divorced/Separated Parents, access.

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Well in that case Cyclone - I think ALL your posts except the one liners are ill thought out and far from convincing.

Don't just tell me, show me. That's how you debate, take a point I've made and show that it's wrong.

I have already decided that you do not know half as much as you want people to think you know.

I don't care how much anyone thinks I do or do not know.


Tell me of any of your personal experience with anything on this topic. I do not mean detail. I mean - have you gone through seperation and contact problems? Have you lost half your family? Are you the child of a single parent? Are you a man/woman who has experience to support your imagination? This is a question you have been asked several times now and still refuse to answer.

I've answered several times that personal experience is irrevelant and in your case a problem to objectively discussing an issue. I don't have any personal experience of this issue, but I do have the ability to think about it and thus talk about it.

You could do with developing the ability to think beyond your own experience and consider other scenarios. Otherwise you are doomed to create pointless suggestions that work for only a minority of cases.

Fair enough - you are now on ignore - regardless of your comments.

Fine, I don't care. If the best you can do is ignore someone because you don't like their point of view then I don't know why you bother to post on a debating forum.

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He is debating dragon more than the issue at hand snoop, that was my point, seems more like an agenda than a debate on the issue. Im sure if both could keep to the point at hand rather than dive into personal digs then it would work out better.


I can't see where Cyclone made personal digs. But Dragon has, including his use of the loopy at me.


It seems that dragon and fallen angel, who thinks I'm an idiot apparently, are unable to separate their personal experiences from the wider debate.

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There is no black and white when it comes to the care and comfort of a child. All possible means should be taken to protect them from negative influence but not using false accusations and unsubstantiated nonsense like if the parents squabbled or not.


If the law believes than in all circumstances the mother is the best for the child then there is something really wrong with our justice system.


As i said an automatic right to visitation unless convicted of a crime is the way to go, at least then even if the visit is supervised they have something to go on other than the mothers word *which is usually self pitying crap*

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Nothing to do with the fact that Cyclone supports your point of view completely.




The point is that families are being ripped apart by mothers who use the children as a weapon and move with the sole intent of making contact difficult. This happens more frequently than fathers moving their children away for the same reasons to the best of my knowledge.


And what solution do you suggest?


I've never denied that some parents with custody (you still insist on only talking about mothers, as if fathers do no wrong) will act in a selfish manner and move away just to break that contact.

You've now accepted that some move away for legitimate reasons.


So how do you solve the problem?

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I have regularly had very strong disagreements with Cyclone and think he/she can be a complete arse alot of the time. But I think you're wrong on this occasion.


Cyclones posts have been very reasonable and objective, where as Dragons have been quite the oppisite, nothing more than subjective rantings for the most part.


Thanks, I think.


Funny how people think I'm an arse if I disagree with them... Actually it's not all people, but I'm definitely going OT here.

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Nothing to do with the fact that Cyclone supports your point of view completely.




The point is that families are being ripped apart by mothers who use the children as a weapon and move with the sole intent of making contact difficult. This happens more frequently than fathers moving their children away for the same reasons to the best of my knowledge.


And many, many more are being ripped apart by men who walk away because they've had enough, decided full time family life isn't for them, don't even want to see their kids let alone contribute towards them financially. Why don't you rant about them?

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I can't see where Cyclone made personal digs. But Dragon has, including his use of the loopy at me.


It seems that dragon and fallen angel, who thinks I'm an idiot apparently, are unable to separate their personal experiences from the wider debate.


Seperating from personal experiences the law and fairness system when it comes to fathers is a sack of C**p


Where is it right to stop children from seeing a decent loving parent and family???

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So cyclone do you take into account ANYONES feelings??? Children that have been taken away from everything they know and parents that dont see their children for months on end??? Or even the familys feelings???


Me personally? Am I suddenly the arbiter of whether someone can move or not?


Do you have a solution to the problem of one parent moving away and taking the child with them? Can you think of a way that is legally implementable that doesn't breach the rights of that person to live where they like, that doesn't interfere in the legitimate cases of people moving away for good reasons and that does stop people moving away for petty reasons?


Because if not, the feelings of various people don't really matter.

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If the parent is a complete ass who doesnt and give a crap about their child then why would they even be fighting in court to see their child???


An ex moves to lets say America because its there right and those children or that child gets to see their dad once every year if that and then says that its there fault for not coming over more even though they know how difficult it is...how can you justify that???

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