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Divorced/Separated Parents, access.

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And many, many more are being ripped apart by men who walk away because they've had enough, decided full time family life isn't for them, don't even want to see their kids let alone contribute towards them financially. Why don't you rant about them?


But this topic is not about fathers who walk away from their families. That's something different altogether. I have no respect for fathers who just up and leave for a more comfortable lifestyle and I do not understand fathers who do not want to see their children.

If you don't want anything to do with children then don't have them.

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Seperating from personal experiences the law and fairness system when it comes to fathers is a sack of C**p


Where is it right to stop children from seeing a decent loving parent and family???


I didn't say it was right, but it may well sometimes be necessery and unavoidable when the best interests of different family members are in conflict with each other.

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Me personally? Am I suddenly the arbiter of whether someone can move or not?


Do you have a solution to the problem of one parent moving away and taking the child with them? Can you think of a way that is legally implementable that doesn't breach the rights of that person to live where they like, that doesn't interfere in the legitimate cases of people moving away for good reasons and that does stop people moving away for petty reasons?


Because if not, the feelings of various people don't really matter.


Why not act like a responsible parent and come to some sort of agreement instead of taking it to court...why cant it be a case of having the children alternative weekends instead of just one a fortnight for a few hours???


I'd understand if the parent was an ass but if its a loving parent its not fair...it shouldnt HAVE to go to court.

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Moving geographically is always just going to be tough luck, you can't tell a parent who has custody not to leave the area just to maintain easy contact for the non custodial parent.

You have to believe what you want to believe. If you think it is fine for a parent to take the children to the farthest reaches of the country obviously just to make things more difficult for contact to take place then that's what you believe. Fair enough.


As to the accusation that I deliberately target DoA's posts. It might be that he doesn't bother to read what has been written that is the problem.

See above. I make a statement that legally it's just tough luck, they can move away and there's nothing to stop them.

He accuses me of thinking that it's okay for mothers to take their children deliberately to break contact with fathers.

Maybe if he waited for a minute, re-read the post and didn't jump in with both feet I wouldn't have to then explain why I didn't say that.

Which he then proceeds to misunderstand and I have to explain again what I've just written, ad infinitum.

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I didn't say it was right, but it may well sometimes be necessery and unavoidable when the best interests of different family members are in conflict with each other.


Wheres the conflict...dad comes and takes the child on a friday brings the child back up on a sunday every fortnight...done...dusted...hows that causing conflict???

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Why not act like a responsible parent and come to some sort of agreement instead of taking it to court...why cant it be a case of having the children alternative weekends instead of just one a fortnight for a few hours???


I'd understand if the parent was an ass but if its a loving parent its not fair...it shouldnt HAVE to go to court.


Why not indeed. I'm sure it would be great if people did that. I'm certainly not advocating that people go to court all the time.


I'm not arguing and have never argued that the parent with custody is always right. I happen to agree that the law is still biased towards the mother and should not be (see page one or two, I agreed with DoA on this point).


My only contention that we've now been arguing for about 5 pages is that there is no legal way of preventing one parent from moving.

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Wheres the conflict...dad comes and takes the child on a friday brings the child back up on a sunday every fortnight...done...dusted...hows that causing conflict???


How about when one parents family, friends and entire support network are (for example) in Scotland. They moved to Cornwall to be with their (now) ex.

They break up and they hate it in Cornwall with no blood family and no friends.


They move.


The ex is now stuck 650 miles away from their child.


It's just one example, but that's why it would be impossible for the law to resolve this, and that's ignoring the right to free movement from the european bill of rights.

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Isn't there a law on something to do with the parent moving within a certain distance of the other parent???


If there isnt there should be...otherwise how is the other parent expected to see their child...spend 80 quid a week on going and visiting them for an hour or two???

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But this topic is not about fathers who walk away from their families. That's something different altogether. I have no respect for fathers who just up and leave for a more comfortable lifestyle and I do not understand fathers who do not want to see their children.

If you don't want anything to do with children then don't have them.


Well it is about that because the actual topic is about divorce/separation and access.


I'm approaching 40, have many divorced friends, some who've been abused, some who've divorced amicably, some who haven't, some who are step families etc etc so know I know all the combinations of how difficult divorce, separation, remarriage and blending families can be.


It's not black or white.

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How about when one parents family, friends and entire support network are (for example) in Scotland. They moved to Cornwall to be with their (now) ex.

They break up and they hate it in Cornwall with no blood family and no friends.


They move.


The ex is now stuck 650 miles away from their child.


It's just one example, but that's why it would be impossible for the law to resolve this, and that's ignoring the right to free movement from the european bill of rights.


So if a parent moves away there should be something in place to allow the other parent to see the child without it costing an absolute fortune...in the end its right to say you'd pay anything to see your kids but what about being able buy them lunch...or even give them a decent home to stop the weekend...


There should be a law in place to make it easier for the parent to see there child...and at least bring them home for the weekend.

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