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Divorced/Separated Parents, access.

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Maybe I missed it somewhere on this thread but do the same visitation rules (or lack thereof) exist for those who are married and later divorce and for those partners who never married?


Unless there are mitigating circumstances, both parents have a right and a duty to be involved in the raising of their children.


In the UK unmarried fathers have very little rights to their children unless they go through the courts to obtain parental rights. In the eyes of the law and unmarried father doesn’t have the right to know anything about the child or even take him/her for a haircut.


When it comes to money though the law is very happy to make sure unmarried fathers pay for their offspring. Everything else, you have to fight for.

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In the UK unmarried fathers have very little rights to their children unless they go through the courts to obtain parental rights. In the eyes of the law and unmarried father doesn’t have the right to know anything about the child or even take him/her for a haircut.


When it comes to money though the law is very happy to make sure unmarried fathers pay for their offspring. Everything else, you have to fight for.


I'm coming to understand this and it makes no sense at all. Interestingly enough, my OH, who is from the UK, was surprised that our Child Support Enforcement didn't go after my ex for more money. He thinks what I get is a pittance. If I were to get a job making more money than my ex makes, even though I have the kids twice as much as he does, I would owe him money! Anyway, I hope the law changes there. Fathers need to be a part of their children's lives and it should be easier for them to have that opportunity.

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But it's okay to FORCE a child or children to move to an area they may not want to move to - away from family and friends etc. This is supposed to be about taking into consideration what is best for the children.


I really don't even know why I am responding to your posts again. That can be remedied quite easily. Consider yourself ignored.


Stick to your guns this time.

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In the UK unmarried fathers have very little rights to their children unless they go through the courts to obtain parental rights. In the eyes of the law and unmarried father doesn’t have the right to know anything about the child or even take him/her for a haircut.


When it comes to money though the law is very happy to make sure unmarried fathers pay for their offspring. Everything else, you have to fight for.


Thats not exactly true. As of about 2006 the law was changed. If the mother and father go to register the child or the father's name is on the birth certificate, even if the couple are not married then the father gets responsibility and the same rights as a married man.


But still the father has no rights - whether the couple are married or not.

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Stick to your guns this time.


It's very difficult when a certain person is intent on baiting. This is a very sensitive topic for many fathers, and what we don't need is for some idiot to tell us "It's just tough".


I do not understand why if someone says the law should be changed that person is supposed to know how to change the law. I am not qualified to change the law. Far from it. But that does not stop me saying that a law is wrong and should be changed.


But I shall persevere and leave responses to that individual to others.

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Cyclone what exactly do you bring to this discussion that the average person on the street could not? What nugget of information do you cherish and wish to share with the rest of us?


What a good question! I have been reading this thread with interest, this guy seems to be arguing for the sake of it, and seems to have achieved nothing more than to make himself look foolish. The child's need's should be placed ahead of the parent's in my opinion. The parents gave up their rights to swan off and do as they please as soon as they decided to have children. Too many children are going off the rails nowadays because of broken homes and the refusal of their parents to act in a responsible manner. :mad:

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I would like to thank Dragon and others for their imput on this matter as I am about to start this very unpleasent road of seeing my kids when I can/when I am allowed to. It's been a very interesting read although despite searching I can not find the program mentioned by the OP anywhere :(



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I would like to thank Dragon and others for their imput on this matter as I am about to start this very unpleasent road of seeing my kids when I can/when I am allowed to. It's been a very interesting read although despite searching I can not find the program mentioned by the OP anywhere :(




Anything to help. Maybe we should set up our own free Families need fathers thingymabob. ;)


Hope you and your ex manage to keep things amicable for the kids sakes. It is unfortunate but there are probably going to be tough times ahead for you. You know where we are if you need any support from like minded fathers (excluding you know who :hihi:)


Contrary to a certain person's comments about my views on this topic I have done some considerable research; questioned solicitors about every detail; read up on the law as much as I am able (short attention span ;)) and I am sure Serapis has a wealth of information he can share.


Just remember - you are not alone.

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It's very difficult when a certain person is intent on baiting. This is a very sensitive topic for many fathers, and what we don't need is for some idiot to tell us "It's just tough".


I do not understand why if someone says the law should be changed that person is supposed to know how to change the law. I am not qualified to change the law. Far from it. But that does not stop me saying that a law is wrong and should be changed.


But I shall persevere and leave responses to that individual to others.


Well, for what it's worth, I, and I am sure that the majority of other poster's on this thread would consider him to be silly in his uninformed views.


A subject like this which involves high emotion cannot be clear cut black and white. His stubborn refusal to see beyond his own ego is causing him to look like one of the old fashioned judges that he earlier protested about.

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