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Divorced/Separated Parents, access.

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Moving a child away may not mean moving them away from all members of the family, it may even mean moving them closer to all members of the extended family. It's not always about work, it might be about a million other things. But in your opinion none of these circumstances should be taken into account, just the interests of the Dad, who in the majority of cases has probably got himself to blame for the situation he finds himself in.


This was posted whilst I was posting my previous response. If the mother is moving the child to be closer to its family then fair enough. But you have to look pretty hard to find where this does not also result in the child being moved away from family.

And I know for a fact there are females out there who move as far as they can from an ex for the sole purpose of making it difficult to maintain contact.

I cannot comment about cases I do not know can I? Well, I can, but hardly likely to give any fair comment.

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But of course - how selfish of me - we must accept that anything the mother does is right. Hades! What a fool I am.


Right is a subjective judgement, you're talking about passing a law that now has to work out whether something is right or not.

Not that anyone has ever suggested that the parent with custody is always right, they've merely said that they aren't always wrong, the position that you are still maintaining.


Maybe if you'd been more balanced from the start, and not suggested a blanket ban on parents with custody moving away from the other parent, then the debate wouldn't have become quite so polarised.

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Right is a subjective judgement, you're talking about passing a law that now has to work out whether something is right or not.

Not that anyone has ever suggested that the parent with custody is always right, they've merely said that they aren't always wrong, the position that you are still maintaining.


Maybe if you'd been more balanced from the start, and not suggested a blanket ban on parents with custody moving away from the other parent, then the debate wouldn't have become quite so polarised.


I have come to the conclusion that you have no idea what you are talking about - either from experience of your own or of someone you know. In respect of that I regretfully decline to respond to any more of your trolling posts.

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That's a tough one - which is why I think each case should be treated on an individual basis rather than saying all should have one rule to go by.

Isn't that what you've been suggesting all along? It certainly looked like it.

Did the dad move over to Australia? If this was the case then the father is moving an unreasonable distance for contact.

Did the woman take the Sheffield dad's child to Australia without his consent - I think that's illegal without it going through court.


I suppose it would help to have more information concerning the case.


And I love how you ignore all the other comments I made and stick to this one. Hey ho! Each to their own. We will probably never agree on this so why continue the chirade of discussing it with the intent of seeing the others point of view?


You've given up on this argument several times already by declaring that no one will ever agree. It is possible that people will moderate their positions you know. Think of it as an opportunity to educate and be educated, rather than a fight that you have to win or loose.

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I have come to the conclusion that you have no idea what you are talking about - either from experience of your own or of someone you know. In respect of that I regretfully decline to respond to any more of your trolling posts.


Yet another way of you saying that you don't want to discuss it any more.

You clearly have some experience of the problem, unfortunately you're unable to look at the bigger picture beyond your experience.

Can you not understand or accept any scenario where it would be right for the parent with custody to move? In your mind is it always wrong?

If you answer that yes, you can understand that sometimes it might be right, then can you explain how you could pass a law that would only apply to the cases where it's spiteful childish behaviour and not to the cases where it's a perfectly valid and rational decision?

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This was posted whilst I was posting my previous response. If the mother is moving the child to be closer to its family then fair enough. But you have to look pretty hard to find where this does not also result in the child being moved away from family.

Is that relevant? Her family are more likely to be on helping terms than the family of her ex and frankly she's likely to be more comfortable with them.

And I know for a fact there are females out there who move as far as they can from an ex for the sole purpose of making it difficult to maintain contact.

Unfortunately it's impossible to stop this without also interfering in all the legitimate cases of moving away. And I'm not even sure that you could legally stop it without breaching various european laws about the right to free movement, nor without breaching natural laws about the rights to self determination.

If you don't have custody of the child then you no longer have any right about where that child lives.

I cannot comment about cases I do not know can I? Well, I can, but hardly likely to give any fair comment.

It's more than can't comment, you apparently can't even consider them.

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Isn't that what you've been suggesting all along? It certainly looked like it.


You've given up on this argument several times already by declaring that no one will ever agree. It is possible that people will moderate their positions you know. Think of it as an opportunity to educate and be educated, rather than a fight that you have to win or loose.


You moderate your opinions? You do know that april fools is over don't you? I do not think you could moderate your opinion if your life depended on it.


I have always endorsed the idea of each individual case being discussed on its own merits. I am citing cases where I KNOW mothers have moved as far away as they can SOLELY in order to make contact next door to impossible.


Would you care to share your experiences in this topic? I'd be interested to know from which high and mighty seat you are passing judgment.


I have also noticed that if someone disagrees with you then no matter what is said you resort to telling them they are wrong/stupid and apt to discount anything they may use to support their side - as shown on other threads.


I believe that you see being wrong about something totally unacceptable for you.


As you seem to have nothing better to do than troll posts - and as I did on another topic you seemed to have the same agenda on - I shall refrain from further responding to your posts.


This does not mean that I will not continue to respond to the posts of other people on the topics, because I have met few people on here who seem to share the problems you have.


All just my opinion, of course. Next you will be asking me to prove any of the previously stated comments no doubt.


Nuff said.

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I've never changed an opinion because of an argument you've made, that's true. But then your arguments seem simplistic and ill thought out to me.

I have changed my opinion on other things due to the posts made by other people though.


I'll just remind you how the first few exchanges specifically about moving went.


If you think it is fine for a parent to take the children to the farthest reaches of the country obviously just to make things more difficult for contact to take place then that's what you believe. Fair enough.

First you try to misrepresent what I've said, which is that adults have the right to live where they want.

I believe that adults are free to live wherever they like. There's no definitive way to tell why someone has moved to a specific place, nor is there a law against petty or childish behaviour.

So from that basis there's no way that the law could restrict the right of choice about where they live, and if they have custody of a child then obviously the child goes with them.

Can you see any workable legal way that you could restrict someone from moving away from an ex partner?

I correct the misrepresentation, and ask a pretty reasonable question, one which you have never answered.

I think it comes under reasonable distance - which is subjective and each case would have to be dealt with on an individual basis.

Then you declare that the parent with custody should have to stay within a reasonable distance as determined on a case by case basis.

You make no allowance for the various perfectly valid reasons to move, for the free will and right of adults to live where they like, or any qualification.


You also complain about me saying your wrong, whilst several times having told me that I'm wrong, don't know what I'm talking about, have no experience, etc... I'd suggest that you learn to like your own medicine in that case. I believe that you are wrong, I'm not going to sugar coat it to spare your feelings.


I don't disbelieve you by the way, I'm sure that some parents are spiteful and childish and do move for the reasons you've stated. What I haven't seen is any workable suggestion from you, that can stop that happening whilst not breaching the rights of the people involved.

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I have also noticed that if someone disagrees with you then no matter what is said you resort to telling them they are wrong/stupid and apt to discount anything they may use to support their side - as shown on other threads.



As opposed to yourself, who posts this :loopy: in response to posts of people who don't agree with you, even when its glaringly obviously they have mistyped something rather than actually said something :loopy:

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Maybe the problem is that you were looking for sympathy and empty statements about making it impossible for mothers to move away from estranged fathers and what you got instead was an actual analysis of what you were suggesting and a breakdown of why it won't work.

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