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You're not welcome

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To those migrants who think they can get away without making a contribution, without respecting our way of life, without honouring the values that make Britain what it is, I have only one message — you’re not welcome.


totally agree.


but what about the migrants who work hard in jobs we need filling, who pay their taxes and play a full part in their local community, who (recent example) get stabbed to death after chasing some muggers down a street because they believe in what's right, who act generally better than the benefits spongers we hear so much about?


...what about the Gurkhas? (there's one, the Gurkhas should be encouraged to move here, because they will so obviously have a positive impact on any community they join. Why did we want to keep them out? We should be inviting them in! Think how different Hanover'd be if it was full of Gurkha families. Less drug gangs, I bet. And more smiles.)

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totally agree.


but what about the migrants who work hard in jobs we need filling, who pay their taxes and play a full part in their local community, who (recent example) get stabbed to death after chasing some muggers down a street because they believe in what's right, who act generally better than the benefits spongers we hear so much about?


...what about the Gurkhas? (there's one, the Gurkhas should be encouraged to move here, because they will so obviously have a positive impact on any community they join. Why did we want to keep them out? We should be inviting them in! Think how different Hanover'd be if it was full of Gurkha families. Less drug gangs, I bet. And more smiles.)


I think they fall into the "making a contribution" part..

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To those migrants who think they can get away without making a contribution, without respecting our way of life, without honouring the values that make Britain what it is, I have only one message — you’re not welcome.


Usual boneheaded xenophobic rhetoric. What exactly is "our way of life"? What are "the values that make Britain what it is"?


There are thousands of different ways of life and values held by people in Britain, all equally valid.

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Usual boneheaded xenophobic rhetoric. What exactly is "our way of life"? What are "the values that make Britain what it is"?


There are thousands of different ways of life and values held by people in Britain, all equally valid.


so you agree with us letting people come into this country but not contribute??

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I think they fall into the "making a contribution" part..

jus checkin ;)


there's so many threads forget the decent immigrants.


when they do the knee-jerks who won't acknowledge there IS a problem shout 'yous all racist!' and froth at the mouth, because all the foreigners have been lumped together.


is there a consensus that there are foreign migrants we should welcome in AS WELL AS foreign migrants who should be booted out? ... with their bs extremist, anti-integration, don't want to speak English in England rubbish. (Try that one in France - insisting they've all got to make exceptions for you coz you can't speak French. HAHAHA.)

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