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Would you like a hung parliament?

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I can picture it now, all swinging gently in the breeze from the crenellations of the palace of westminster, with the good citizens of the country bringing their children to see what happens to bad people who do bad things and try and tell everyone it's all right because they are MP's

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Some commentators are speculating that Vince Cable might become Chancellor in the event of a hung parliament.


I can see a hung parliament being a possibility but not Cable becoming chancellor.


I can't see either Labour or Tories giving up their economic policies to the Lib Dems.

Seems like a media spun story to cook up some interest into what is shaping up to to look like a rather dull election.

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It's such an ugly term, as you have all realised and made fun of it so well.

I'm sad to put a serious point to the forum; if it IS a parliament without an overall majority, there may well be another election within the year.

As long as the coalition realises it has to reform the voting system, that may not be such a bad thing.

My final word; I think many of us are too hard on MPs. There ARE some who never claimed things they shouldn't. And when you work in a given environment, you tend to do what everyone else does. Which would you be? Pure as the driven snow? Or would you do what all the others do?

That's not to excuse any of them; bad is bad, whichever way you look at it. But none of us can be certain we wouldn't be weak enough to do the same. The only way to stop it happening again is to change the system and the checks and balances.

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