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Executing witchs - good idea or bad idea?

Should we start executing witchs like the Saudis?  

7 members have voted

  1. 1. Should we start executing witchs like the Saudis?

    • Abolutely! The horoscopes in the paper are an abomination!
    • Yes, but only when there is DNA evidence of witchcraft
    • No, convicted witchs should serve a whole life sentance
    • No, I'm a devil hugging infidel and don't think witchcraft should be illegal

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While we seem to have managed OK since knocking witch hunts on the head several hundred years ago it seems our Saudi friends are still keen on killing witchs. Is this a wonderful example of islamic tollerance being balanced by the need to protect the public from the menace of witchs? Should we import the idea, would we all be safer is Russell Grant was beheaded in Nuneaton town centre? Or is it just another example of how backwards and mediaval wahabis are? Answers on a postcard!




Saudi move to execute 'sorcery man' sparks protest


Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri has been urged to intervene to stop the execution of a Lebanese national accused of sorcery in Saudi Arabia.


Amnesty International said TV fortune teller Ali Hussain Sabat seemed to have been convicted for "exercising of his right to freedom of expression".


Mr Sabat's lawyer said she had been informed unofficially that he could be beheaded by the end of this week.


But Beirut's envoy to Riyadh said the case was still being heard.


The condemned man hosted a satellite TV show in which he predicted the future.


He was arrested by the Saudi religious police while on pilgrimage to the country in 2008.


Malcolm Smart, head of Amnesty's Middle East and North Africa programme, said it was "high time the Saudi Arabian government joined the international trend towards a worldwide moratorium on executions".


The Lebanese ambassador to Riyadh, Marwan Zein, said on Thursday that he had not been informed that Mr Sabat's execution was imminent, AFP news agency reports.


His case was "still being considered by the court", the ambassador said.


There has been no official confirmation from Saudi Arabia, but executions there are often carried out with little warning.


Egyptian executed


Human Rights Watch senior researcher Christophe Wilcke said the case had still to go before "the supreme court [in Riyadh] and... the king for ratification."


Mr Sabat's lawyer, May el-Khansa, contacted Lebanese leaders earlier to appeal on his behalf.


Ms Khansa says her client did make a confession but he only did so because he had been told he could go back to Lebanon if he did.


Lebanese Justice Minister Ibrahim Najjar told AFP in Beirut: "I hope that Saudi authorities realise the same offence is not dealt with in the same manner in other countries and that they will be sensitive to all recommendations."


Human rights groups have accused the Saudis of "sanctioning a literal witch hunt by the religious police".


An Egyptian working as a pharmacist in Saudi Arabia was executed in 2007 after having been found guilty of using sorcery to try to separate a married couple.


There is no legal definition of witchcraft in Saudi Arabia, but horoscopes and fortune telling are condemned as un-Islamic.


Nevertheless, there is still a big thirst for such services in a country where widespread superstition survives under the surface of strict religious orthodoxy, the BBC's Sebastian Usher says.

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No, because there's no such thing.


People who write horoscopes possibly because they are just charlatans praying on stupid people. But then again, is it their fault people are daft enough to believe it that stuff :huh:


Although a person who truly believes they are a witch would not be a devil hugger as they don't believe in the devil that's a Christian concept.

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Gothic Angel is quite correct about us not believing in the devil. We do, however, believe in demons.


I'm a witch. There are quite a few others on sf who keep quiet about it so no-one guesses. Some have a tendency of staying in the background, worried by the certain ridicult admission to the path will bring them.


Me - don't give a monkey's.

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should we start a poll?


How about :- "Is it necessary for one member to make so many islamophobic and slating posts/threads?"


or should it be

"does icon have nothing better to do than trawl the net for anti-Islam stories?"

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should we start a poll?


How about :- "Is it necessary for one member to make so many islamophobic and slating posts/threads?"


or should it be

"does icon have nothing better to do than trawl the net for anti-Islam stories?"


What lies between moderate islam and radical islam? Is there a middle ground of 'mainly moderate but sometimes a bit radical when I'm feeling pi$$ed'?

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