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Political Correctness

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I'm all for politeness and not deliberately offending people but people take stuff too far.


A male mate at work was told by a woman in a different dept "you need to bring these parcels to us - We couldn't possibly fetch them". He asked why and was told "Well, we're women".


After delivering a brief sermon on the efforts of the suffragettes and sexual equality he left it with "you can collect them or I send them back, your choice". Sexist bitch :D

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It winds me up when I hear of extreme stuff-...but... I reckon that 99% of the extreme stuff isnt real anyway but its still nice to have a little rant just for the hell of it and the PC stuff that I`m aware of seems fine... The racist stuff and sexist and homophobic stuff, thats fine.

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There are certain words I won't use like 'nitty-gritty'. I substitute 'man....' with person where possible. Otherwise I don't mind offending people about their choices in life.


What's wrong with nitty gritty? I thought it meant getting to the heart of the matter or similar, whose that offensive to?

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It was the gulley running down the ship that slaves got down to, to excrete.


Thanks for the info. However given that slavery was abolished quite a long time ago i doubt there are any slaves around to be offended by the term. Well, in realiity there are but they're mainly eastern european trafficed girls who don't speak english so i doubt they'd get offended by the use of the phrase.

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What's wrong with nitty gritty? I thought it meant getting to the heart of the matter or similar, whose that offensive to?


Apparently it dates back to when blacks were transported across the Atlantic on slave ships, and used to end up covered in fleas, fungus and who knows what ... "nitty-gritty" referred to one or other of their various sufferings.



I don't think anyone, now, would or should object to the phrase because of its unsavoury origins, but then that's easy for me to say, I'm not black and my ancestors were not carted around on slave ships. Does it offend the guys who are and were?

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I dislike the stuff that's spouted by the hate fuelled reactionaries of talk radio and the gutter press. They like to disparage political correctness as trivial and call those that try not to offend as "loony left". Most of the examples in the gutter press are lies anyway.

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