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Political Correctness

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ooooh:o its handbags at 20 paces....(or should I say manbags?):huh:


I'm still waiting for Steelhead to find me the bit of The Protection from Harrassment Act that said that an incident is deemed to be racist if an 'incident is perceived to be racist by the victim or any other person'.


John X

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I'm still waiting for Steelhead to find me the bit of The Protection from Harrassment Act that said that an incident is deemed to be racist if an 'incident is perceived to be racist by the victim or any other person'.


John X


Wasn't it the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry report that stated:


"A racist incident is any incident which is perceived to be racist by the victim or any other person." ?

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In that case I will answer this really slowly.


Since I started posting on this forum 5 months ago, on the more political threads there is a tendency among those talking about race, immigration and political correctness to seem to draw on this reservoir of 'perceived truth' that expresses itself in phrases like


"We whites are now in the minority"


"Unchecked immigration"


"Opening the floodgates"


"'They get all the benefits and won't work"


"Mosques don't need any planning permission"


"Not allowed to order black coffee or use a blackboard anymore"


"Not allowed to fly our own flags anymore"


"Not allowed to celebrate Xmas anymore"


"Attacking our Christian heritage" (usually by someone with no knowledge and even less interest in Christianity!)


When challenged to back up any of the above 'facts' with actual evidence or statistics, these people singularly fail to do so and resort to phrases such as "Everyone knows this!" or "Open your eyes!" or when pointed in the direction of an impartial source of information "Oh well, they would say that!".


Or worse, when asked for statistical evidence on immigration, post a link to the 'MigrationWatch' site or evidence that Xtians are being persecuted, to an extreme fundamental american christian site with 'God will burn the Fags' badges for sale.


All I'm saying is that it is now time for these people to actually come out with some actual evidence for what they claim, or STFU.


John X


Couldn't agree more. And "I read it in the Daily Fail" or "My mates cousins wifes dog said it" isn't acceptable.

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Due to work commitment i do not have the time to spend arguing the finer points of bull with you, i shall come back to this thread when i am more able to debate!


We look forward to that time with bated breath.

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Please explain


Sorry, I can't remember what you posted but I have half a notion that it was utter rubbish.


If you could remind me, it will save me trawling through pages and pages of old posts.


John X

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Respect... with the occasional human slip.


Here's one man who knows no respect




I'm glad the mother with the down Syndrome child challenged him, and he felt 'excruciatingly uncomfortable'


Both he and Jimmy Carr are very good reasons why political correctness is a good idea.


I know there will be lots of people who will say that people should know their type of humour is 'edgy', and shouldn't go if they're easily offended. But laughing at disabled children is just the lowest of the low in my opinion.


If they want to be edgy, create cartoon pictures of Allah. He wouldn't be laughing for very long....

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Here's one man who knows no respect




I'm glad the mother with the down Syndrome child challenged him, and he felt 'excruciatingly uncomfortable'


Both he and Jimmy Carr are very good reasons why political correctness is a good idea.


I know there will be lots of people who will say that people should know their type of humour is 'edgy', and shouldn't go if they're easily offended. But laughing at disabled children is just the lowest of the low in my opinion.


If they want to be edgy, create cartoon pictures of Allah. He wouldn't be laughing for very long....


I've been very offended by the horrible jokes that Jordan's sweet little boy, Harvey has had levelled at him, lately. You (that's a generic "you", BTW) please yourself, and call his mother from here to the middle of next week:- she can defend herself from the onslaught. Harvey cannot. Harvey is just a child, and a child with autism, at that.


There is no need for such cruelty toward a child who cannot help having a disability. Poking fun at a child so severely disabled, is not at all funny, and really smacks of someone shoving sticks through a cage, to jab at an animal trapped within.


Very few people thought it appropriate to have a dig at David Cameron's beautiful little boy, Ivan, when he sadly died last year, (nor was it at all appropriate.)

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I've been very offended by the horrible jokes that Jordan's sweet little boy, Harvey has had levelled at him, lately. You (that's a generic "you", BTW) please yourself, and call his mother from here to the middle of next week:- she can defend herself from the onslaught. Harvey cannot. Harvey is just a child, and a child with autism, at that.


There is no need for such cruelty toward a child who cannot help having a disability. Poking fun at a child so severely disabled, is not at all funny, and really smacks of someone shoving sticks through a cage, to jab at an animal trapped within.


Very few people thought it appropriate to have a dig at David Cameron's beautiful little boy, Ivan, when he sadly died last year, (nor was it at all appropriate.)

but your ok when slagging his mother off in different threads
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but your ok when slagging his mother off in different threads


as i said

You (that's a generic "you", BTW) please yourself, and call his mother from here to the middle of next week:- she can defend herself from the onslaught


Harvey cannot. Harvey is just a child, and a child with autism, at that.

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