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What is middle age?

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You realise your middle aged, when the doctor says, lose a bit of weight, quit smoking, reduce your alcohol units, eat more healthily, do some exercise and here's your prescription for the blood pressure tablets !


18 in my case, then! :hihi:

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And when the erection goes, you still have that formidable tongue of yours.


And I resent the presupposupision that middle aged folk know more about life. We are the enlightened Google generation after all. You lot grew up in the dark ages!!!!!!


Judging from some of your posts I challenge the word "enlightened" and I know none of you can work out a mathematical problem in your head. Lost without a calculator, lost without a cell phone and condemn people nearby to listen to your mundane conversations, cant drink alcohol without chucking it up afterwards and without Google couldn't mark the north pole on a map.


What your puppy generatiom know about life I've forgotten. Hah!


Our generation had higher testosterone levels also according to medical reports. By the time you lot get to thirty something you'll be calling the doc for Viagra

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When my mother was my age, she was old. She accepted that she was and therefore, she was. I am not as old as she was at my age. I think I might be close to middle age but I don't think I am in my mind so then I'm not.


Middle age is a state of mind. Nothing more. I will always be 18 and wild in my mind so I will never reach middle age.

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middle aged is what you are when you turn up for an interview with an impressive CV, all the answers to any possible questions because you did your research, bags of confidence and experience out the yinyang and the pimply face of the youth on the other side of the desk falls as you walk through the door and they realise that you are actually old enough to be their parent


needless to say you won't get the job

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middle aged is what you are when you turn up for an interview with an impressive CV, all the answers to any possible questions because you did your research, bags of confidence and experience out the yinyang and the pimply face of the youth on the other side of the desk falls as you walk through the door and they realise that you are actually old enough to be their parent


needless to say you won't get the job


So age diascrimination exists in the UK does it? Quite the opposite here in the States. Many employers are now realizing that seniors make better more reliable employees than the Acne Brigade.


The oldies still have the work ethic. An employer who hires seniors doesn't answer the phone first thing on Monday morning and hears a mumbled excuse from some young employee about "Not feelind well today. Wont be in for a couple of days" (read: I drank too much last night and feel as sick as a dog this morning) :hihi:

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:cool: am nearing 50 so definitely middle-aged and it feels like the major milestone, awed, more aware of time + excited, maybe cause I feel amazed to have got this far and looking forward to being an eccentric old biddy too, could be worse:hihi::hihi: love:
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So age diascrimination exists in the UK does it? Quite the opposite here in the States. Many employers are now realizing that seniors make better more reliable employees than the Acne Brigade.


The oldies still have the work ethic. An employer who hires seniors doesn't answer the phone first thing on Monday morning and hears a mumbled excuse from some young employee about "Not feelind well today. Wont be in for a couple of days" (read: I drank too much last night and feel as sick as a dog this morning) :hihi:


I wondered about that myself when I read it. Over here, ageism in hiring is treated as badly as racism. I remember when I worked in a call center for a wireless phone provider. Myself and another manager were in charge of all recruiting, interviewing and hiring for a period of months and my center manager asked if we could please hire "some old people". She knew just what Harleyman was talking about. Seems the younger folks these days don't have the work ethic that more mature generations have and we could depend on our older employees to be there, be on time and get the job done. Couldn't say the same for the youngsters.

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